Protagonist's Evil System: My Girlfriend Turned Into A Dragon

Chapter 85 Looking For Raven

Xina looked at Lucas and smiled, "don\'t worry, I just wanted to have time to prepare something for you."

"What happened?"

"The snake attacked me, and now it\'s dead," she chuckled and looked at Lya and Haya standing next to her.

Lya nodded and grinned, "we\'ll tell you about it later. Right now, let\'s get out of here!"

Haya glared at Notru with a twisted look in his eyes, "The..." He paused and let a sigh out, "nevermind," he added and looked at Lucas\'s bruised hands.

"Agreed!" Lucas interrupted.

A few minutes later, they were back in the forest, and Lucas and Notru were sitting on the grass, watching his three teammates talking to each other.

"So, Izek disappeared, another man vanished so did the three women\'s bodies and the system obeys you. Matter of fact, Kalaini and Kali had been kidnapped." Haya inhaled, "what about the monsters?" He asked.

Lya looked at Lucas, "do you want to tell us or not?"

Lucas thought for a moment and decided to share everything he knew.

After listening to his story, the girls seemed impressed and stood up, "this means our mission has changed. We can\'t defeat the monsters anymore. Our job is to find all the missing people and bring them back home."

The boys nodded and looked at Lucas, "and you? What\'s your plan?"

"What is this \'Raven\' organisation?" Lucas asked Haya, hoping he will give him an answer.

"It\'s a secret organisation that exists since ages ago. It was created to fight against the good that lurks around the world. They are responsible for protecting the guilty ones, murderers and rapists." Haya looked around.

"But when Izek went crazy and ruined everything for the black wizard, Raven got involved too." He slowly walked towards Lucas and sat down next to him.

"You see..." He paused again, and then folding both of his wrists together, he released them, "at first, they were responsible for the drug smuggling and other dodgy things to make our missions more complicated, but after Izek\'s revolution and everyone\'s awakening, this organisation vanished," he said and turned away from Lucas.

Lucas looked at him, "but how come you know so much about them?"

Haya sighed, "I don\'t know either, "that\'s what I can recall after being freed from the system," he answered.

An awkward silence fell between them, and Lucas kept staring at Haya. He was very curious about the person who was looking at him with a weird smile.

"So... why did the system didn\'t try to manipulate and control everyone once Izek was sealed away?" Lucas asked.

Lya looked at Lucas, "because he left a powerful protection spell on us, and if he wasn\'t there to do it himself, the system would never be able to do anything."

This statement of Lya opened Lucas\'s eyes a little bit more, \'maybe Izek wasn\'t the main enemy,\' he blinked and then put his hand on his eyes to squeeze it, "okay, whatever happened in the past, happened in the past." Lucas spoke as he stood up.

He looked down at Haya and Notru, then at the girls who were standing before him, "we have to save Kali and Kalaini," Lucas said.

All of them nodded and deciding not to waste any more time, they began walking  towards the village.

As they pass through the forest, Lucas felt tired and sore. His body was covered in bruises and it hurt every time he used his legs.

"Are you okay?" Haya asked him.

Lucas didn\'t answer and continued walking.

"Hey!" Xina yelled, "what\'s wrong?"

Lucas stopped and looked at his friend, "something\'s bothering me."

Haya looked at Lucas, "you know, I\'m worried about you," he said.

"Of course you are, but this is my problem, and I can handle it." Lucas said.

Lya looked at Lucas with a frown, "how so?"

"Look," Lucas said, "why don\'t you go to the village, check if there\'s anything going on with our friends and then report back here. I\'ll meet you on the other side of the forest. Then we can head to the village together."

"No way, I won\'t leave you alone," Notru interrupted as he clung to Lucas\'s black robe.

"Fine, stay with me," Lucas said and turned to walk faster, "but promise me that you will take care of yourself."

"I promise," Notru replied.

All five of them split in two groups. Haya went to have a look around and spy, Xina and Lya followed him.

Lucas and Notru stayed behind to rest a little.


"I\'m feeling better, we should go and catch up with the rest," Lucas spoke slowly as he bent his knees and leaned forward.

Without saying anything much, Notru just nodded and followed Lucas from behind.

They kept walking and soon reached the village.

"Haya, where are you?" Lucas called out.

"I\'m here!" Haya answered hanging from above the tree.

Lucas and Notru exchanged looks, "what\'s wrong?"

"We found Kali and Kalaini," Haya said.

"Oh, good! Where are they?" Lucas\'s widened and mouth opened a little wider.

Lucas was trying to get a hold of his emotions.

"In the clearing on the other side of the village."

Lucas let out a deep sigh of relief, "thank God."

"But what\'s wrong?" Haya asked, "you seem tensed."

"Nothing," Lucas answered and started running towards the village.

"Hey, wait!" Notru yelled behind him, Haya followed.

Lucas ignored them and ran until he could no longer see his friend.

"Don\'t just keep running like that!" Haya shouted, "slow down!"

Lucas slowed down and then stopped, panting.

"Do you think that was wise?" Haya asked, "what if something happens to you?  And how will we find you?"

Lucas stared at Notruand Haya  with a blank expression, "it\'s fine," he said and started walking towards the village.

Notru walked next to Lucas and looked at him, "are you sure?"

Before Lucas was able to reply to the boy\'s question, someone whistled from behind.

All three turned around and saw the two women standing next to each other, both with arms crossed around their chests.

Xina and Lya glanced at each other. Nobody knew what was waiting for them and what the Raven was planning, "the drugs, are they still following it?"

"Yes, they should follow the old plot, I think." Answered Xina to Haya\'s question.

The town behind the Lya\'s castle was bustling with activity. People were rushing here and there, doing their daily jobs. Some of the villagers saw them and waved.

"What\'s happening over there?" Lucas asked.

"I don\'t know, but it looks like there\'s a lot of people," Lya answered.

"Let\'s go and check it out," Xina said to her, "no, we should search for Kali," Lucas commanded.

The town was a hive of activity. There were some workers in the fields, and others were repairing houses or carrying water. It seemed that everything had been going well without any problems.

"Xina," Lucas said, "can you tell me where Kali is right now?"

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