Protagonist's Evil System: My Girlfriend Turned Into A Dragon

Chapter 136 The Dark One

Izek was sitting in front of the girl, waiting for her answer.

The Dark One was staring at him with her cold, evil eyes.

"You were the one who brought me here, right?"

Izek nodded.

"So you don\'t remember anything about me?"

Izek shook his head.

"Then why don\'t you just release me?"

"What makes you think I can?"

Izek didn\'t answer. He didn\'t know what to do.

"Don\'t be stupid, idiot! You can\'t use your powers against me, do you understand? You can\'t hurt me!"

"I know. That\'s why I\'m not using my powers."

The Dark One looked into the distance, lost in thought.

"Why can\'t you use your powers?"

"I don\'t want to hurt anyone. I don\'t want to cause them pain. I just want to help people. I don\'t want to kill them or harm them in any way."

The Dark One was shocked to hear this.

"Is that even possible?"

Izek nodded.

"Yes, it is. All monsters can do that, but most of us choose not to."

The Dark One was silent.

"Why did you bring me here, anyway? What was I supposed to do here?"

Izek was sitting next to the girl, and he could feel that she was becoming uncomfortable.

"I can\'t remember. Can you give me some clues?"

Izek looked at the girl.

"Let\'s start with your name. Where are you from?"

Izek was curious about her.

"I\'m not sure. I don\'t remember anything else after that."

Izek nodded.

"And how old are you?"

"Do you have any idea?"

Izek shrugged.

"You\'re probably around fifteen years old."

The girl gasped and looked at him with surprise.

"I\'m seventeen."

Izek laughed out loud.

"You\'re a liar! I\'m pretty sure you\'re older than me. You don\'t look like a teenager to me."

The girl was shaking her head, laughing.

"I\'m telling you, I\'m seventeen."

Izek looked at the Dark One.

"Go ahead, tell her."

The Dark One was giving the girl a strange look.

"What are you doing?"

Izek was staring at the Dark One.

"Nothing. Just asking a few questions."

The Dark One gave a nod and then whispered a word to the girl.

"What is it?"

Izek was looking at the girl, waiting for an answer.

"If you want to know my age, go ask the Dark One yourself!"

The girl was looking at the Dark One with a strong expression on her face.

"What did you do to me?"

Izek was confused by the girl\'s reaction.

"I didn\'t do anything. She did."

The Dark One was looking at the girl, while the girl was staring at the Dark One with a sad expression.

"What did you do to me? Why can\'t I remember anything?"

Izek was looking at the girl, waiting for her to respond.

"Because I erased it from your mind!"

Everyone froze in their place.

Izek was watching everything happen, but he didn\'t understand what was happening. He couldn\'t see anything.

"What did you do to me?"

Everyone stared at the girl. Her face was covered in tears as she was crying loudly.

"I\'m so sorry. I didn\'t mean to do that. Please forgive me!"

Izek stood up, walking towards the girl.

"I\'m sorry, please don\'t cry. I didn\'t mean to hurt you. I\'m really sorry."

The girl was looking at him, scared.

"Please don\'t leave me alone. I\'m scared."

Izek was holding the girl\'s hand.

"Don\'t worry. I won\'t let anything happen to you."

The girl looked up at him, smiling.

Izek was kneeling next to her, hugging her tight.

"It\'s okay now. I\'ll protect you forever."

The girl was sobbing, but she was smiling too.

The Dark One was looking at them, amazed.

"This is amazing! You\'re both so cute together!"

The Dark One was cheering them on.

"That\'s right! Keep holding each other\'s hands!"

Izek and the girl were looking at the Dark One, confused.

"What do you mean?"

Izek shook his head.

"Never mind. I don\'t know either."

The Dark One went back to her chair and sat down.

"Now it\'s my turn. I\'ll show you how powerful I am."

Izek felt a little bit better knowing that the Dark One would finally stop hurting the girl.

"Tell me, how did you manage to erase the memories of the others?"

The Dark One looked at the girl.

"Why do you want to know that? Is that important?"

Izek nodded.

"Yes, it is. I need to know how to do that. Would you be able to help me? I can pay you."

Izek was looking at the Dark One, waiting for her answer.

"Of course! I\'ll gladly help you because I\'m your friend."

The Dark One was smiling, happy to see that the girl was smiling again.

Izek was watching the girl\'s smile disappeared, replaced by fear once more.

"Friend? Are you sure you want to be friends with me? You might regret it later on."

The Dark One was whispering to herself.

"No matter what happens, you will keep believing that I\'m your friend. Okay?"

The Dark One kept whispering in her mind.

"You\'re my friend. Don\'t forget that. If you want to be my friend, then you must obey me without question. Do you understand?"

Lucas was completely speechless seeing a dark figure like a shadow changing forms and entering the woman\'s and Izek\'s bodies, \'who\'s this thing?\' He kept on asking but received no answer from anyone.

The Dark One looked at Lucas.

"Don\'t worry, we won\'t hurt you. We promise. Just stay away from us."

Izek and the girl were looking at Lucas, shocked.

Lucas looked at them, and he turned away, pretending not to see them.

"Stop it!"

The Dark One screamed at the girl, but she wouldn\'t listen.

"We won\'t hurt you. Stay with us."

Izek tried to calm the girl, but she wasn\'t listening.

"I said stop it! Leave us alone!"

The girl was screaming louder than ever before.

"Wait! We\'ll never hurt you!"

Izek was yelling at the girl, trying to get her to stop.

The girl was crying and screaming hysterically.

"Just... Stop..."

She was gasping for air.

"I\'m so scared!"

Izek was holding her tight, comforting her.

Izek was staring at the girl, worried about her.

"Please don\'t cry. Everything\'s going to be okay."

The Dark One was still whispering to the girl.

"Are you listening?"

Izek was still holding the girl\'s hand.

"Listen carefully. If you want to be my friend, then you must always obey me. You can\'t betray me. Do you understand?"

The girl nodded.

"Good girl."

The Dark One smiled.

"I\'m glad you\'re my friend. Now we can become very good friends."

The Dark One got up from her seat and walked to the door.

"Okay, come with me."

Izek and the girl followed her.

"Where are we going?"

Izek was looking behind him, worried.

"To our secret lab. This is where I work."

The Dark One was walking down the hallway.

The girl was still holding Izek\'s hand.

"What\'s a lab?"

"It\'s a place where I create new monsters."

Izek was looking at the girl, confused.

"You created me?"

The Dark One stopped suddenly.

"Why do you ask that? Of course, I did."

The girl\'s eyes opened wide.

"How can I be your friend when you made me?"

The Dark One looked at the girl, surprised.

"Oh, I forgot, I erased your memory of how I created you. That\'s why you don\'t remember anything."

The Dark One started walking again.

"Come on, follow me."

Izek was still holding the girl\'s hand.

"I\'m not going anywhere with you."

The Dark One stopped walking.

"I won\'t make any promises if you don\'t want to come with me."

Izek was looking at the girl.

"I\'m not leaving her alone."

The Dark One was standing in front of the door.

"I told you already. If you want to be my friend, you have to obey all my orders."

Izek was looking at the girl.

"I\'m sorry," he whispered, "but I can\'t leave her alone."

The Dark One turned around.

"Fine. But don\'t say I didn\'t warn you."

The Dark One unlocked the door and entered first.

Izek and the girl followed her inside.

The Dark One closed the door and locked it.

"Stay here and don\'t move. I\'ll be back soon."

The Dark One was walking down the hallway again, heading to another room.

Izek looked around the room, searching for any sign of danger.

"What is this place?"

Izek looked at the girl, who was looking around too.

She was trying to find something familiar in this new environment.

There was nothing in the room except for a table. It was about two meters long and one meter wide, with drawers underneath. There was also a large cabinet next to the table.

Izek looked at the girl.

"Is that a lab?"

The girl nodded.

"Yes! It\'s my lab!"

Izek laughed out loud.

"Really? A lab? Are you serious?"

The girl nodded.

"Yes! This is my lab!"

Izek was laughing even harder.

"A lab? What kind of lab is it?"

He was laughing so hard that he could barely speak.

Lucas who was following them from above like a ghost couldn\'t properly understand why the action was repeating and some parts were fading away, "I don\'t understand, is this a memory of Izek?" He asked himself slightly biting his lip, "why would Izek be having a conversation with the Dark One?" He wondered, "is this the Dark One talking to herself or to Izek?"

Was this what the Dark One wanted to do with the girl? Could this be a trap to lure Izek into the lab? As Lucas was thinking these thoughts, another part of the scene appeared with Izek and the Dark One in the lab, "why would the Dark One be guiding Izek into the lab?" Lucas thought, "could this be the Dark One\'s plan?"

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