Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~

Chapter 39

However when he was trying to escape from me it never used the 〖roll〗 skill .

If it truly wanted to run away at full speed It would\'ve definitely used 〖roll〗 .

Since the skill Lv of this Lizards 〖roll〗 skill is high, It must use this skill frequently,

like when Its life is in danger or on the verge of a crisis, It could definitely get away if it ran in full speed .

I understand this because we are very similar .

The Black Lizard is thinking that it should not be able to beat me except "in the portion of outrunning" .

He is not just trying to run away, but is waiting for the poison weaken my body .

It wouldn\'t make sense for it to lose sight of me .

So if I run in another direction, it is inevitably going to be forced to pursue after me .

For this guy it is the best to hide from the target . It continues to run away from the target while maintaining a constant distance .

When I started to run in the opposite direction I can only hope to be lucky, because there is no such thing as an absolute .

Once it loses sight of me it loses all meaning to have risked life and limb to have poisoned me .

I would be helpless if the Black Lizard also had a powerful sensing capability, but I didn’t see any such skill in his possession . Although it is a dangerous bet, I have to believe that there is no other method of of beating him .

So I ran away to a place with a good view . First it is important to be able see the guy before I can catch him .

If it fails then I need to search for medicinal herbs which can detoxify the poison . I could go to the village to receive the cure or if there is no other choice I would cut off my arm .

I found out that it’s chasing, but it does not pursue with full force .

He Is clever .

If he judges that I, or even the river is dangerous, It would seriously begin to start trying to get away .

So if I can even find him once, then it is unnessary to keep running .

In that moment a strange feeling and a sense of discomfort hit me, because he started to run after me .

rather than over thinking of thing It be better to continue the chase with 100% effort .

To control the action of this guy by chasing me, until I could find a point where with a view is good .

After that hopefully it is possible to catch it .

I am losing in speed, but not defeated if I use the〖roll〗 skill .

It is a skill that I have constantly used since my birth . I swear on my pride, that I must absolutely not lose .

Aware of the direction in which the cliff is . I was running while it was growing more difficult to navigate to location though the grass and trees .

For now I do not use the 〖roll〗 .

The higher my speed, the more the other side loses ability to run while staying hidden, and is more likely to show me his figure .

However if it’s able to run at full power while I’m using〖roll〗, it would create a sense of crisis and the lizard would think "it might possibly not get caught . "

But my victory will be decided in the time when I do so .

After coming to at the point where there are only a few obstacles, my counterattack started, I start running in opposite direction .

I kick off of the ground into the air and I fly into a〖roll〗 .

I searched around my field of view .

He is not there I can\'t find him!

Did I make a mistake? When did Black lizard escape?

The cold sweat covering my head falls to my feet .

Then will I have to cut my arm off or not?

Would I get another weird title something like〖amputator〗like before?

Was I being too hasty never stopping to turn around?

Then I saw in corner of my field of view the black lizard which looked absolutely no different in person than the figure which tried to run from me .

I was successful in leading him up until now so I absolutely can not let him escape .

Now all that remains is to crush the guy, or else this would have been useless

I also have to capture him alive which raises the degree of difficulty much higher than just killing him .

Although the distance between the black lizard and myself shortens very quickly, it is only because I started rolling before the guy .

He has just now started becoming smaller and rounder by folding in his limbs, and begins rolling .

The〖roll〗 of black lizard was wickedly fast .

This guy superior skill Lv shows a difference of the speed like heaven and earth .

But, since I lost the element of surprise .

The problem from here out is that it is now is a pure speed game and because the land has little grass and trees around, so can not afford to let it get away from here .

While choosing the route which is easiest to run, while paying attention to my foothold, I need to continue to evade the trees and other monsters .

Whether it is possible with only〖Roll: Lv3〗to catch up will be decided now .

The lizards has〖Roll: Lv4〗 .

Even when I was escaping from the large spider . I deliberately went on the more difficult route so I should do well with this one .

the speed of the black lizard〖roll〗fell inversely proportion to the increase of trees .

No that is not right I am actually getting faster .

Now〖Lv4 chicken runner〗 which I used for escaping is no longer something to be ashamed about .

I have absolute confidence in my〖roll〗 . I will not lose no matter what .

no matter how many times he has escaped this kind of predicament before I

now that the difference of speed between us is none existent I am outperforming his original speed .

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