Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~

Chapter 104: ]

When I woke up, my stomach felt strangely weird .

What Is that? Could it be the poison from that scorpion I ate yesterday is now running rampant in my stomach?

No, in that case it wouldn’t feel this superficial .

“Pefu! Pephu!”

…… This, it is the ball rabbit’s barking sound .

as It drifting in my mind, it seemed to be asking me for help .

Could the ball rabbit be being attacked by other monsters?

Where is it coming from?

When I look around I couldn’t see where the voice is coming from .

(A feeling of something desperate striking) .


When I got up, I found the ball rabbit crawling out from a mountain sandy beside me .

The rabbit gasping for oxygen with ragged breaths, and finally after its breathing calms down, it begins to stares back at me with heavy eyes .

Apparently, my turned over while I was asleep, and it seems that I ended up squeezing the ball rabbit into the sandstone .

Also It seems that the that sand settled off my stomach onto the ground was the true obstacle not an enemy .

No, this is bad . This is was really bad .

I thought that the rabbit’s body is supposed to bounce back and even out like this type of thing never happened maybe my plan to level it up backfired .

It is acting very sullen and lethargic what is going on . In a panic I started to feed it a bit more cactus and that is when this guy’s usual expression returned .

This guy is terrible faker .

Is the only thing you having in your head eating?

After breakfast is over, the ball rabbit is placed on my head and we begin our walk through the desert .

For the time being I want to get the ball rabbit’s Lv Up and into its evaluated form . Also I want to eat meat and soon .

Hunting a beast type monster may be a good idea, because then it will raise the ball rabbit’s Lv killing two birds with one stone .

I’ll have the rabbit defeat an enemy at the top of D rank than that should bring this weak little ball rabbit up to its evolution all at once .

After a while I found a leopard sleeping .

Uh, it seems like the same guy who was being chased by that Great Centipede he must have gotten away after ran away with its full power . [T . N . Chapter 98]

There was unexpected accident this morning but Now I feel fortunate to have gotten up so early .

This distance …… 〖Status view〗 can be used?

This skill has been Leveled up so I wonder what will happen, all I can do my best so let’s do it .


Race: Gal leopard

Condition: Sleeping (small)

Lv: 27/48

HP: 123/123

MP: 98/98

Attack power: 95

Defense power: 84

Magical power: 99

Quickness: 158

Rank: D +

Characteristic skill:

〖Wild intuition: Lv 1〗 〖Olfaction: Lv 2〗〖 Forbearance foot: Lv 2〗〖 Feeling detection: Lv 1〗 〖Crisis detection: Lv 1〗

Resistance skill:

〖Magic resistance: Lv 3〗 〖Poison resistance: Lv 1〗

Normal skill:

〖Route: Lv 2〗 〖Bite: Lv 3〗 〖Mirage: Lv 2〗

〖Beast Tackle: Lv 1〗 〖Quick: Lv 3〗

Title Skill:

〖The nut of the cat family: Lv 3〗 〖matter Chaser: Lv 2〗

〖Typhoon Runner: Lv 2〗


[T . N . Olfaction means smell]

【Normal Skill 〖Status Reading〗 Lv increased from 5 to 6 . 】

Well, does this means that it isn’t distance dependent, or is it?

Well by saying anything this has become one of the skills that I rely on the most so anything is good with me .

If i did not have〖rolling〗 and 〖status reading〗 I could not tell how many times that i may have died already .

…… Well, is this to drangrous for the ball rabbit?

All its status are about 20 times that of the ball rabbit .

Whatever you do just try your best not get damaged . Actually if only take its attacks do you still get any experience?

I want to eat meat so I am going to kill it anyways .

I heard that you have good meat, so you are most certainly not going to get away from me .

Surely if it’s status of speed, I will lose easily, but if I use 〖rolling〗then I will win . That I am confident .

I am even willing my stake pride on that fact .

Well, well, so how do we approached it?

I won’t be able to catch up while carrying the ball rabbit, if the leopard tries to escape .

Even if I try getting only one strike off without killing it then it will definitely have plenty of time to get away from the rabbit

I should probably drastically weaken it quickly with the first shot .

But when I get closer, the leopard seems like it will wake up .

It seems like the only good plan of attack now is by〖rolling〗rather than secretly approaching, but then I would have to leave the rabbit unprotected for a while .

Would you mind digging to become hidden?

Oh wait, that’s right .

It will be okay if I just put the ball rabbit in my mouth .

With that than the rabbit will be with me when I roll .

doing this will now will also make it will be easier to move from one point to the next now on .

I lower my head to let the ball rabbit down to the ground .

placing my face close to ball rabbit in order to snatch it up into my mouth . Our eyes met and the ball rabbit suddenly started to tremble as if it was having a nightmare .

“Pepper! Phet! Phet!”

it’s Face …… Or should I say it’s whole body started to shake back and forth, left to right, desperately protesting against me .

Could it be, that can you read my mind?

No, actually it seem to be given me more of a “Even if you eat me i am not really tasty!” kind of reaction .

It’s okay, because I am just putting you in my mouth . It is for safety, for safety .

“Pefu! Pephu!”

I bring my face closer to the ball rabbit who is still raising its voice in protest .

Moving my neck according to the movement ball rabbit attempts at escape, I catch it in my maul .

“Pephoo !! Pefu !!”

…… I will get quite scolded for this later won’t I?

Well, now there is no choice but to do it . It is an all out charge for the sleeping leopard with〖rolling〗 it is then .

I round my body and head and roll straight towards the panther in a straight line .

The leopard awakens and almost instantly leaps up onto its feet .

By that time though I have already reached an extremely high speed .

This new terrain is tough, clear, flat ground with no obstacles; the opposite of the forest in which I was born, so it is the perfect conditions to make full use of〖rolling〗 .

I can feel the ball rabbit is raging in my mouth, but it does not matter right now .

I can not stop it now in such a halfway state .

The panthers begins its escape, taking less than two seconds to get up and start sprinting shows this thing true speed .

but this was with my expection . I mean to lie down at such a noticeable place it must have a lot confidence in it’s skills .

Even if it is attack from large centipede, it will be able be able to easily escape with its speed .

To bad for you . You can’t run away from me!

The distance between me and the leopard decreases rapidly .

I thought that I would have catch up with the leopard in a matter of seconds, but I must be a little rustier than I thought .

Even if I am chasing him with only this much though, it seems that the panther on the other hand trying its best .

So it’s only a matter of time .

Hey fellow, what is wrong .

The rabbit is as usual freaking out in my mouth .

Please wait still for a while . Because you will get swallowed if you move around to much .

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