What!? Never seen a Demon King of Lust before?

Chapter 135 Why Won't You Die?! [Part: III]

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.Trivia of the day #76: Asmodeus is the only Demon King to have Flawless immunity to Holy base attacks, so much so, even the strongest would be like walking on a partly sunny day even if he receives it at a point-blank range.



The sound of Unlimited voice was heard clearly, as he turns around and quickly jump back in fear, goosebumps still shooting up his back, and in fear of his virginity he hold his ass in fear as he look at the sex offender who sneak up at him from behind.

And that was when he saw the culprit present before me.

A beautiful victorian maid appear before his sight, she was 5"8 in height and had her hair cut short, it was brown, silky, and straight, and it matches her beautiful hazel-colored eyes, her skin was clear and soft even for a maid rival that of a spoil noble meanwhile on her face was thick pair of glasses, anyone who saw it will agree that this person was almost blind.

However, her facial expression was that of a dominatrix, her sadistic glare became ever so clear, while her scummy smile was presented for all to see.

She looks at Unlimited in a morbid seductive fashion, as she said while licking the blood of the kitchen knife she borrowed from the kitchen.

"I see so your the main body of these clones haha... What interesting magic you have Mr assassin."

Said the beautiful bloodthirsty maid with a domineering aura surrounding her.

However Unlimited was seriously on the defensive right now, he still couldn\'t process what exactly happens, the massacre of all his clones, happen so quickly that he couldn\'t process their defeat till the very last minute when more than half has destroyed by something.

And seeing the early compliment from the person before him, he clenched his teeth in frustration as tried to analyze the situation.

\'Isn\'t... T-this, the head maid of the Lioness family, Rita Argodo?\'

\'Why... Why... Why is she here, I saw it with my clone\'s own eyes, she and the other servants were fast asleep, what happened?"

However Unlimited didn\'t have time to think for long seeing that Necroma, smiles menacingly at him and began to talk.

"Oh. Why the surprise look... Ahh I see, I see, hahaha... You don\'t expect defenses half near sighed girl like me to kill all your clones did you, well either way your next Mr. Assassin, so at the very least make this entertaining for me."

Necroma said as she taunts him to strike her by doing a "bring it on" gesture with her finger in a mocking way.

This, of course, did piss off Unlimited a little, but he wasn\'t going to make his emotions be his downfall, instead, he sighed in frustration and said out loud.

"Fuck... So the information was wrong, SIGH! this family truly is abnormal, a kid that can turn into a monster once provoke, a Viscount that can take on mystics with nothing but mastery of his sword, and a prison warden capable of holding a cursed spear without being corrupted."

"I was dumb, if the family was abnormal, then I should take into consideration that the servants might be abnormal, hahaha... Just great, either way, though, a job is a job, and in this case, escaping would not be an option, sadly I haven\'t installed a self-destruct sequence to get rid of my clones when they perish, in short, this is too much evidence to simply leave behind."

Necroma looks at Unlimited with a bored expression, as her face turns to one of annoyance, as she said in a bored and irritated voice.

"Oi asshole are we going to fight or what, you\'re seriously starting to bore me here...

However, at that moment, Unlimited hand soon takes out two canisters of mustard gas and tosses them toward Necroma.

And with his left hand, he reaches underneath his shorts for a gas mask and places it on his face, and from there I began to split himself into, of course, he the original body stayed behind, as the other five rush with constantly spreading yellow gas, daggers in arms.

"Formation B."

One clone ordered the rest, as they all split into three groups, two were going to attack Necroma from the front, another two will take her from both her left and right flank, and the final clone would attack her from her blind spot.

Meanwhile, the original made some distance, from the battle, as he began to calculate the best method of assignation.

"Sulfuric Mustard, is a lethal agent used in the first world war and second, it is a blistering agent that can cause serious chemical burns and blisters to the eyes and skin, and even the respiratory system will be affected by it, the morality rate albeit 2-3% it still painful to be exposed to nonetheless, to the point it can disfigure the body."

"You might be strong head maid, but in the end, you are still human, you bleed when you are cut, you get sick when expose to bacteria, their only so much a human can do, and it doesn\'t matter if you are witch or warlock chemical substances are still lethal unless your some variant with chemical base magic even then immunity has never been a human forte to stress and lethal substances."

But sadly for Unlimited; Rita wasn\'t Rita, nor was she human to begin with, because, Rita, well Necroma was the first offspring of Asmodeus which he had with himself, you can say Necroma\'s body was produced Asexually.

However, in the next instance, a message came from the clones.

"Sir, we have a problem."

"What is it?"

"The subject didn\'t move, she didn\'t attempt to dodge, but something weird is happening, I can\'t explain it, I swore I stab her in the heart, but suddenly I\'m back in the same position, with the knife in my hand, there is also no blood on the knife either, nor is the wound there to begin with."

"Ha. What Howww?"

But Unlimited didn\'t have time to think his other clones began to complain as well.

"I stab her when I throw my knife in her eye, I know I did, but why is the knife back in my hand, why is her eye alright."

"Sir... My knife went through her neck, I\'m sure of it, but somehow it instantly teleported back into my hand, while I was suddenly teleported back to the position I was hiding before I jump with great force to strike her blind spot, and yes her wound suddenly disappear as well, why won\'t she die."

At these, though Unlimted began to sweat, and panic, as he said.

"Shit she might be a high a human, utilizing both singularities together."

"Someone report to me, how fast does her wound heal?"

"I don\'t know how to describe it to you sir, but as fast as it inflicted, instantaneous is the only word, however as soon as any of us, attack her it heals immediately, and we are teleported to the same spot we initiate the attack."

Unlimited had a confused look, as he began to think.

"Damit what is her ability, is it spatial manipulation magic, with some abnormal regeneration, or is it a domain type, if that is the case that might be troublesome, normally domain type singularity is hard to deal with because they normally follow rules and consequences."

"Shit this is complicated, ah tell me is the smoke taking effect yet."

"Egh you haven\'t noticed, sir the smoke disappeared the moment you turn around."


Yes upon hearing this Unlimited eyes opened in shock as he looks towards the fight in disbelief, his clones were right, everything they said where true.

There she was just standing in that one position in a bored fashion, just staring at me, her eyes lost interest in the clones seeing that she lost interest in the clones.

Unlimited look at this in shock with an abundance of fear and a tint of curiosity.

Just the way she was standing there, doing nothing, not even trying to fight back, was enough to make even a seasoned assassin like himself feel intimidated by her sheer display of strength.

Then and again, what can his clones even do, it was as if she was deleting the wounds upon infliction, looking closely he can confirm that every attack hit her without doubt, but it doesn\'t stay, and the weapon and the inflictor seem to be teleported back in the same position they where before they even attack.

"What the hell am I even watching right now, what the hell is her ability or even magic?"

"And just like what one of the clones said, the mustard gas just disappeared, did she blow it away, or maybe absorb it, or send it somewhere, no this power is something else... Wait could it be?"

Yes at that moment, Unlimited looked to his side, and that was when a wave of unexplainable goosebumps, run up his back, as a horrific Revelation hit him.

"You got to be kidding far-right? w-w...WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOU?!"

Yes to confirm his suspicion, he looked to his side, and there it was two canisters of unused mustard gas magically came back to him, he only had two left, and he was sure he throw both of them at her.

He pulls the canister with a shaking pair of hands and brought them to his face and said while looking at them in horror.

"Th...This woman, her ability is not spatial manipulation or hyper-speed regeneration, it\'s..its... Like she is avoiding the result of every attack that is being thrown at her, what kind of power is this, no it\'s more than that right, is she resetting time or something, no that can\'t be right, if she manipulating time by resetting then I shouldn\'t be able to remember a thing, no this ability isn\'t time manipulation, it\'s similar to result manipulation."

"Unbelievably horrendous what kind of unfair power do you have?"

"There has to be a limit right, there is no way an ability can be that stupidly unfair."

"Yes, there has to be a condition, yeah why else are you remaining still?"

Yes, Unlimited could not agree that there exists someone with the power to rival the level of pure bullshit that people like Odin and Saint Michael possess, there was a time when he saw Odin murder an entire horde of Air-type mystics with a cup of milk, it was nonsensical, Odin was a close acquaintance of Michael, she was popular for doing seamlessly impossible shit like making people acknowledged red is blue or making cold milk as hot as lava while still being cold, our walking on a cloud as it was a hard surface, eating it like a marshmallow because she can.

Then there was Michael, the wielder of ultimate magic, who powers steps into a realm of pure bullshit incarnate, the power to dominate anything may that be conceptually or physically, he can dominate it no question asked, and utilize and manipulate whatever he dominates in any way he sees fit, taking whatever he dominates power for himself along the way as well.

Of course, the guy was so ignorant to admit all of this information on how his power work in front of the entire school, he even hints at his weakness which was that he can only dominate what he sees as lesser than himself, the guy was the definition of superiority, he knows he is the strongest, as such to establish fear and awe even deeper into the students, he reveals how his power works, he admits that the only thing he could not dominate where the other witches seeing ultimate magic can cancel out other ultimate magic.

"Tsk... Sigh! what a pain, everyone drawback."

At this order all the clones step back and rush to their masters, Necroma looks at them bored and said with a lazy and unimpressed tone.

"Was that all, is this all you amount to, it has potential but sadly it\'s not enough to defeat me, take my advice number means nothing before overwhelming strength I learned that the hard way, ironic seeing that I have become what I hate the most, an embodiment of that bastard\'s overwhelming power, but you know I am a scummy woman to me that bastard is the ticket to my dreams, and as for his order, I need to bring your head to him no hard feelings right."

With those words said, the entire area was drowning in killing intent, making it hard to breathe, however unlimited didn\'t falter instead he pull out a mysterious box with veins pulsing all over, it beat like a heart, and had an eery aura all over it.

Even Necroma was surprised when she saw it, as she said.

"Wait isn\'t that, no how do you even have that?"

"Haha afraid now are you, I don\'t blame you, these artifacts are only given to those who have been acknowledged by the clan head, this thing was found in an ancient cave along with many other artifacts that were believed to be the nest of an ancient Goblin queen who met her end in the second ice age, to think a mere maid would be the person that would force me to use this."

To Be Continued.

Next Time: A Not-So-Perfect Rebirth

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