Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 145 - Should She Scold Or Should She Praise ?

Chapter 145 - Should She Scold Or Should She Praise ?

" That\'s right , you know !" said Lin Chen with a grin " I woke up so early in the morning ,because I wanted to catch the freshest fish ! I swear I woke at four in the morning before anyone else in the village , that was how I was able to catch this fish . With all the villagers rushing to wash their clothes and cattle , it disturbs the river and the fish scatters but because I was the first one to go to the river today , I got lucky !"

Su Wan smiled she didn\'t know why Lin Chen was boasting about his fish catching skills but she continued to play along with him , it wasn\'t as if it was going to cost her an arm or a leg if she stroked his self esteem up a little " yes , yes Ah Chen is the best .You did and excellent job catching these fishes "

Lin Chen rubbed the back of his neck , both embarrassed and happy . He knew that Su Wan was just paying him lip service but he still ended up getting coaxed , somehow his confidence boasted up even more . Thus, Lin Chen decided to set his plan in motion , he glanced around as if to make sure that no one was around .

Su Wan who looked at his secretive actions , furrowed her brows together . What was this ? Why was Lin Chen acting like this , did he do something wrong while he went to the river this morning , or did he break something at home .

Lin Chen was a tall and muscular guy , if not for his young age he would have left Lin Jing behind years ago . Because of his brute like strength and clumsiness , Lin Chen would sometimes break things at home while he worked , because Lin Chen feared his elder brothers and his mother\'s scolding , he would come clean to Su Wan who would scold him too but in the end help him to buy a new broom or bowl or whatever he has broken .

Lin Chen was so clumsy that Su Wan privately called him Mr . Pandora .

Thus , Su Wan wasn\'t wrong in thinking that Lin Chen has broken something after all this was what the latter did every time he broke something .

Frowning she asked " Did you break something again ? Ah Chen you are going to mess up this month\'s budget "

Su Wan treated Lin Chen as an adolescent who was still learning how to deal with life , thus she wasn\'t really strict with him . After all breaking old brooms and bowls was normal but if Lin Chen ended up breaking the new brooms and bowls too , then she have to put her foot down .

Su Wan swore that if Lin Chen broke that new broom that he brought just two weeks ago , she wouldn\'t help him hide it . She would just let her husbands deal with him , this guy had learned how to use his sweet and flattering words to soften her up - but if he messed up the budget of the family , then sorry , she won\'t play along .

" No , No " waving his hands madly " I didn\'t - I won\'t , I just " Lin Chen hesitated , he knew that he was awfully clumsy sometimes and couldn\'t control his strength but it was only sometimes , however if he were to take the responsibility of the makeup shop , then he could no longer act clumsily . Should he take on this responsibility ? Once again second thoughts started making way in his head , however he immediately stomped on them , no , he will definitely be able to do this , he clenched his fists and looked at Su Wan .

Su Wan who saw him acting like he was preparing to fight , instinctively took a step back - whatever this was she didn\'t want to take a part in this .From the looks of it Lin Chen seemed to have messed up big time and she wasn\'t going to be dragged in together with him , nuh uh .? They might be husband and wife but this husbands mess ups were too much for her small body to cover up .

" Su Wan I want to take on the new shop "

" I won\'t he-wait what ?" Su Wan who was in between of telling Lin Chen that there was no way she was going to help him this time , stopped abruptly , what did he just say ? Did she heard it wrong or he said it wrong ?

" I want to take responsibility of the new shop " repeated Lin Chen overlooking Su Wan \'s half spoken words "I want to try taking care of the shop , the fields are all sown and we are now going to wait for harvesting the crops won\'t we ? So I\'m idle the for the next few months , so why not do something else ?"

Lin Chen was the only one who had no work to do these days , at first he enjoyed lazying around but as he saw that his brothers were busying themselves around and even Su Wan was researching to make new things, he was the only one who did no work . Lin Chen soon started feeling like an useless bum , he ate the most in his family but worked the least , his insecurities took a whiff of his lowering confidence and once again raised? their head and started roaring inside him , Lin Chen was upset and grew even more depressed .

However , he soon realised that if kept sitting at home and did nothing , that will only make him depress more . So why not try on new things ? Maybe he will be able to do it , right ? How difficult can it be to flatter the rich missies in the town and make them all buy their makeup products ?Right ? Right ?

Su Wan was pleasantly surprised that Lin Chen was finally willing to step out of his depressed\' eat and laze around \' phase . She didn\'t really care about the profits when her husband \'s betterment was concerned , she understood that if Lin Chen started going out more and took on new responsibilities , it will be difficult for him at first but as long as he keeps his perseverance and keep working hard , he might be able to break through his insecurities.

" Of course you can !" At that moment Su Wan completely threw the matter of making money from the makeup shop , if the soaps end up not? selling , she will make new products to support Lin Chen after all the products not being able to sell meant that she failed to entice the customers with her uniqueness , not because Lin Chen failed to sell them " but remember you can\'t give up in between ! If you are talking about taking responsibilities of the Mei Hua ( the makeup shop name )? , you will have to continue on till the end ! There will be no giving up "

Seeing Su Wan agreeing to him , Lin Chen happily patted his chest " don\'t worry Wan Wan ! I will definitely keep on taking the responsibility of that shop till the end ! I mean how difficult it can be to flatter some rich misses right ? I\'m a good flatterer "

Su Wan didn\'t know what to think about his boastful words . Should she scold him for being foolish or should she praise him for being too innocent ? After all who tells his wife that he was a good flatterer ?

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