
Chapter 199 Goal Part 2

It was already a miracle that, dressed like this, this woman did not even encounter a pervert on the road.

“May I come in?” Sasako-sensei said with a smile.

“Please.” Lei Yin had to open the door and let her in.

After putting a can of soft drink on the table before her, Lei Yin asked: “What’s the matter, Sasako-sensei?”

Sasako-sensei asked back: “Can’t I just come here to see you?”

“I didn’t mean that, please don’t get me wrong.”

Sasako-sensei thought for a moment and then said: “I don’t know if this is just my imagination, but I feel like, on this festive day, you are trying to avoid me. Am I right, Masashi?”

“It should be your imagination. Because I have no reason to avoid you, Sasako-sensei.”

“Really? That’s good then. I don’t want to be an annoying woman.” While speaking, Sasako-sensei stood up and seemed to look around the living room.

After a while, when she sat down again – as if it was a nonchalant move from her – she sat next to Lei Yin. Thus, Lei Yin immediately smelled her strong fresh scented Salome’s delightful perfume.

At this time, Sasako-sensei suddenly said: “Masashi, do you remember what I told you a few days ago?”

“About what?”

Sasako-sensei charmingly laughed, “You are still pretending to be silly.” At this point, she suddenly threw her arms around his neck and then said: “I told you that I like you.”

“Sensei, these are not words than an educator should speak.”

“Don’t lie to me. From your eyes, I can see that you didn’t regard me as a Sensei.”

“Perhaps Sensei saw it wrong.”

“Do you know what I like the most about you?”

“I think I have nothing worth your liking.”

“No, I really like your seemingly not-caring-about-anything expression. I already told you, now it’s your turn to tell me. Where do you like me the most?”

“That is a very abstract question.”

“Not at all abstract.” While talking, she suddenly grabbed Lei Yin’s right hand, and then put his hand on her waist.

After a while, she slowly pulled his hand up to gently press her left twin peaks.

At the same time, she gracefully leaned toward his ear and gently said: “Do you like this place? Those students who attend my class like to see them, but only you who are qualified to touch them. Em....” She softly moaned while pressing his hand to knead it.

After a while, she pulled his left hand over to her smooth thigh to caress it softly and then said with a heavy breathing: “And here; not only those male students, sometimes those male teachers stared tightly at my thighs. They looked like they want to eat me. Masashi, I am really scared.” She said that while slowly pushed his hand up toward her inner thigh.

After an indeterminate amount of time later, when she withdrew her hands she discovered that Lei Yin did not let her go, but continued to slowly grope these two places. This made her very satisfied.

Closely holding his neck, Sasako-sensei leaned toward his ear and gasped: “Masashi, do you know that every night before sleeping I always think about you? Do you know what a woman will do when she think about a man in the evening?” After saying these, her right hand slowly shifted toward his lower part.

Just as her hand was about to reach its destination, she suddenly felt her hand was caught and unable to move. Not only that, her other hand was also being locked. Suddenly, her whole body cannot move at all.

When she lifted her head to look, she saw the young man, who previously has already consumed by lust, was looking at her with a thoughtful expression.

“Masashi, you....”

“Although I don’t know what your objectives are, from a personal health perspective, I wouldn’t do such a thing with an unknown woman.”

Hearing his words, Sasako-sensei seemed very sad, and then loudly said: “What kind of person do you think I am? I am doing this because I like you, but you actually do this kind of thing to me.”

Lei Yin ignored her gushing-out-tears-like-crazy and sneeringly said: “You still want to continue this? You are definitely not that Myojin Sasako.”

Sasako-sensei stopped crying to look at him, “What do you mean by this?”

Lei Yin looked at her and said: “Although Myojin Sasako is indeed a real person and even has the same exact background as you, it is impossible to completely impersonate another person. Because although information can be falsified, other people who knew her all her life or people who came in contact with her can tell the true from the false.

Right from the beginning, when I rescued you from the hands of the pervert, and then you said I look just like your ex-boyfriend; All of these mean it’s normal for you to have a favorable impression of me. Honestly, I did not see any flaw in these. But no flaw means there’s a lot of flaws because both were too coincidentally linked together.

In order to investigate your background, apart from some general archives review, I also sent people to specifically go to Myojin Sasako’s last known residence and University to investigate. From some of Myojin Sasako’s teachers, friends, and neighbors’ mouths, I learned that Myojin Sasako is a very introverted person, which is completely different than your character. And although your appearance is seventy to eighty percent similar to her, she is not as beautiful as you.

Although the appearance can be changed through cosmetic surgery and personality can also change later in life, one thing you do not know is that Myojin Sasako has a very small birthmark on her inner thigh, which cannot be seen from the outside. I got this information from her ex-boyfriend. One more thing, her ex-boyfriend is not the man in the photo. Of course, you can explain that you have several boyfriends. But anyway, I am already sure that you are not Myojin Sasako. I have answered your question, now you should return the courtesy and answer my questions. First of all, who are you?”

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