A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Chapter 265

Going to Feng Chen Yi’s Place

“Not disturbing, please get in.” pair of Feng Chen Yi’s hand are inserted inside his pocket, turned his back and walked to living room. “Do you want a glass?” he pointed at red wine that has already opened in the table, smile when asking.

“En? Are you sure you can drink?”

“Haha, it’s okay, it is only fever.” Feng Chen Yi is taking tall glass, pouring the red wine until half.

Yu Ao Tian takes up the red wine glass elegantly, his eyes are looking around at this luxurious apartment which is not big, it reminded him about his apartment that currently he stayed in.

It seems no matter how much money one person have, home is always a place warm and nice, it more than enough.

“Don’t you live with your father?”

“I had moved, after think carefully it stills better to live alone.” when Feng Chen Yi speaking till here, sipping little bit the red wine, his cold eyes are suffused with luster.

“It so true.”

Suddenly the atmosphere little bit awkward. Both of them are silent.

Feng Chen Yi puts down his red wine glass, coldly looking at Yu Ao Tian who sits facing him on sofa: “CEO Yu, are you coming here today, not only looking for me to have chat?”

“Hahahaha, Chen Yi it is impossible you not guessing my coming purpose right?” he curved his lips up, elegantly sipping his red wine.

“Can vaguely guess it. If it was in the past, this little matter I would still help you, but now…” Feng Chen Yi rolled his eyes, both of his hand enveloped his front, expressionless he asked: “CEO Yu, can you give me a reason why must I help you?”

“Heh, if you want a reason…. It only my eyesight! I believe on you Chen Yi, You are mature to make difference between personal and work matter!”

As if there is smoke that spreading inside the apartment which is not too big and also too small, Yu Ao Tian and Feng Chen Yi are exchanging their glance that is deep and cold, but at same time there sparks.

After sometime, Feng Chen Yi is standing up, dragging his tired body to his bed room, from his desk taking one document and then came back to living room.

He takes the document and tossing it in front of Yu Ao Tian.

Opened, his deep black pair of eyes are reading carefully the contain of the document, ‘pa’ a sound of closed the document. “Chen Yi, this time really thank for your hard work.”

“Only help you this small case. I wish you success in your campaign.” after said, Feng Chen Yi sits back to sofa, raise his red wine high.

Yu Ao Tian is replied him politely: “Take your fortune words.” two of them are raise their wine glass as if best buddy.

Regarding to the document that Feng Chen Yi hand over to Yu Ao Tian, it was thing that he had prepared before, the plan of Feng Group current asset will support Yu Ao Tian politic election, this case.

It seems that Yu Ao Tian has good eyes, due to Feng Chen Yi mature and also his leader demeanor style, it enough to have him manage Feng Group. He indeed can difference personal matter with business clearly, at the present still don’t know who is friend and who is foe!

“Thinking carefully later when you become my rival it’s really…. Gives me goosebumps, excited!”

One mountain cannot have two tigers, soon or later Berson and Feng’s group must fight, but before that thing happen, both of them must get rid the in front enemy, by that way, both of them won’t think too much for the game.

“CEO Yu, you must remember the words that you say today, don’t too focus with your new status when you already enter political world, it’s okay if you have forgotten your own company, but I am not a man who easy to take advantage of.”

“Rest assured, although I will going to take backstage role, but as long as you sent me ‘duel invitation’, I will use all my strength to win over the duel!”

From the way Yu Ao Tian words it can be seen, his respect toward Feng Chen Yi as rival and also as friend.

Once he resigned from his post, all the company authority will be given to Han Li Shang, he acknowledge Han Li Shang capability, but Feng Chen Yi capability, he also perfectly know who is stronger than.

Part 2 (Two)

Going to Feng Chen Yi’s place

“Well, I first…”

“CEO Yu, have you eaten?”

“En?” he hesitated for moment, smiles and said: “Not yet.”

“Just in time, let’s we have meal together.” Feng Chen Yi slowly walking from living room toward kitchen, he hold a big bag of food on the shelf: “I bought so many things, but there is no one I can share. Ke… Ke…, ke (coughing sound).”

Seeing his pale expression, helplessly Yu Ao Tian takes off his suit, rolled up his sleeves: “I see you are missing a chief?

Well, I will do it.”

“Heh? CEO Yu, can you cook?”

“Is it strange? When I was in Japan, I was living alone, moreover I still need to take care my younger brother, of course I able to cook little bit.”

Regarding to Yu Ao Tian personal life, Feng Chen Yi not really know, the only thing that he knew about him, before he was underworld big boss in Japan, but today, he even seen another side of Yu Ao Tian.

‘He treats me very well. He is so considerate. I like him!’

Suddenly Yao Yao’s words are echoing in his ears, during that time he even hesitated perhaps she talked that way only to drive him off. But now it seems….

Forget it, no matter what Yao Yao said was true or lie, Yu Ao Tian had hit her before, it was real! “CEO Yu, do you have younger brother?”

“En. He same age with you. But not as mature as you.” if Qi Lian Ao Yun is half mature from Feng Chen Yi, perhaps there are not much tangled between these brothers relationship.

“Ha, I never mentioned him to anyone before.”

“Others than Han Li Shang them, there are not many people know about my younger brother.” this is first time for Yu Ao Tian taking an initiative to mention himself having younger brother this matter. “Where is the restroom? I want to wash my hands.”


Seeing Yu Ao Tian going inside the bathroom, Feng Chen Yi tidies up all the food that he bought, just in this time….

‘Ding dong’ (bell ring)

Suddenly the door bell is ringing, hurried he walking and open the door. But when he sees….

At sudden his pale face changed to be energized: “Why are you coming?”

The person who is coming not other person but Yao Yao! She lowers her head, pursed tight her lips, faintly smiled:

“This… For you.” after said, she takes out a box from her pocket.

Feng Chen Yi is so curious so directly he opens the box, once he opened it…. His cold eyes suddenly gleaming with rage.

The things inside the box are those half set of Daisy jewelry that he gave Yao Yao before, and also the perfume bottles which he specially made for her, the daisy fragrant.

After both of them broke up, she had thrown all the things that he ever gave her, but there are few that she could not throw away, because the meaning is too deep, too deep.

But, every time Yao Yao sees these things she would remember all the warmness when they were still together, the sweet scenery, although at last her face wet by tears, pain. She hides all these things, hide all of it to the place she won’t be able to see it.

Until today, since she left from Yu Ao Tian’s office room and went back to her houses, rummage through her cabinet and closet, found out all these things. And for once again she took a look these thing and recalled the memories, she didn’t cry anymore, only her heart… Still little bit hurt.

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