Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 78: Yuan Yi = Slaughter!

She wasn’t frightened anymore, and she had stopped shaking from fear. Her eyes were wide open staring at the zombies. It seemed that the longer she was exposed to them, the more used she got. Since the zombies could not get to her, she naturally had nothing to fear. Yet, even with those things from her worst nightmares in front of her, her breathing seemed slightly irregular. Her face was turning slightly flushed, perspiration dripping off her face, and her legs were rubbing constantly.

Zhang Xiao Qiang saw Yuan Yi getting turned on and felt bewildered. He had never expected her thoughts to travel so far out there even when facing zombies. This woman’s mind was truly unfathomable.

Zhang Xiao Qiang released his grip, while Yuan Yi stayed where she was, not moving. She didn’t even turn her head, and she seemed to not mind that there were zombie claws barely inches from her face. Her eyes were wide open as she observed the zombie, trying to take in all that she was seeing. It was almost as though she was engrossed, and the zombie was like some priceless historical artifact.

Zhang Xiao Qiang patted her shoulder, only then she was brought out of her stupor. When she looked at Zhang Xiao Qiang, her flush subsided, replaced by her pale expression again. Her hand sunk, as a long, strange spear was placed in her hands. The spear was a golden-yellow Beast Horn Spear, and the feeling of the contours was exquisite, as though giving off light. It looked mysterious.

Yuan Yi held the Beast Horn Spear and looked at Zhang Xiao Qiang, not knowing why he passed her such an item.

“You can stand here and kill the zombies. When all the zombies are killed, you can leave. If by the time we’re done and you’re not, you can just stay here!”

Zhang Xiao Qiang wanted her to get used to killing, only when she can strengthen her resolve, she would be able to face future obstacles with more courage. Slaughtering was the fastest method, and this was basically allowing her to do so from a safe distance. If she could not even do this, then he would not hesitate to leave her behind.

“This is your last chance, if.....”

He was halfway through his sentence when Yuan Yi abruptly thrust forwards, the spear piercing the mouth of one zombie. It was like poking tofu, as the spear went all the way through to the back of the head. She then twisted the spear, causing the brains to be torn apart. She then pulled out the spear and proceeded to thrust again.

This time, her thrust went a little lower, and the spear pierced through the heart of another zombie. She then twisted it again, causing a large hole to appear in the chest of the zombie. Everyone could see through the hole.。

The zombie had no reaction to the hole in its chest, instead, it stepped forward to bang savagely on the iron door. Yuan Yi’s expression regained its flush, and her eyes brightened up. She licked her dried lips while thrusting yet again with the spear.

This time, since her bloodlust was awakened, the spear pierced the throat of the zombie and twisted. The flesh at the neck tore, and with a ‘Pa’ sound, the zombie’s head dropped to the ground. The headless corpse then fell backward, squashed by the rest of the zombies from behind.

Zhang Xiao Qiang looked at Yuan Yi venting her feelings and felt conflicted himself. He knew that he disliked her, yet he couldn’t help but give her chances time and time again. Why?

Could it be that he saw a little of himself in her? She did not dare to kill herself, yet she wanted to die.

Wasn’t he like that in the past? He had been trapped at home and lost all hope. Every day, he had woken up to despair and torture. He had tried slitting his own wrists but didn’t dare to go through with it in the end. He had also been weak. A coward.

When he had taken the risk for the sake of a few cabbages, he had then successfully gone through the change. He had taken charge of his own destiny, and killed a zombie, gaining his confidence together with his strength. Only when he faced the attack of the 3 zombies did he truly felt like he had the makings of someone strong.

Seeing Yuan Yi somewhat reminded him of himself in the past. Comparing the current him and his past self, he had given Yuan Yi chances time and time again.

It was not that he was being benevolent, nor was it due to her good looks. Instead, because she was his follower now, he had to take charge of her. He had to give her the capability to struggle and survive in this world. There was no need for weaklings. Regardless of your looks or position prior, those meant nothing in the current world now.

Yuan Yi’s current condition was getting abnormal. Other than her initial nervousness and fear, she was becoming more excited by the minute. Her breathing became more rushed, and she seemed somewhat intoxicated. Her eyes were wide open, and excitement could be seen in her pupils.

She was forgetting herself and had started to inch closer. The zombies in front were all she saw, and she forgot about those at the side. One zombie near the side of the wall reached out and made a grab for her shoulder. It looked as though she was about to be scratched, and she was lost in her excitement, not noticing the danger.

“Peng...” Zhang Xiao Qiang’s reaction was fast, and he kicked out at Yuan Yi’s leg.

She was sent to the ground, rolling to one side as her head knocked the wall slightly. She sat up, rubbing her head as she looked at Zhang Xiao Qiang with confusion.

“Where’s your eyes? How come you didn’t even notice a huge zombie in front of you?! If I was the slightest bit late, you’d have become like them!!!” He pointed to a zombie right at the edge of the wall and scolded Yuan Yi.

She saw its claw grasping at her earlier location, and her heart tightened. She couldn’t breathe for a while, only letting out a long breath as she calmed down. She looked back at Zhang Xiao Qiang again with gratitude in her eyes.

“Continue.” He seemed not to notice Yuan Yi’s gratitude, only lifting his watch to look at the time. He wanted to go back before the sky turned dark, and it was already half past 2. They needed to hurry.

She pushed herself off the ground and used the Beast Horn Spear to support herself. She looked at the zombie that had almost got her and her eyes flashed with a savage glint. There was no more excitement, nor fear. Instead, there was a hint of red, as though a fire had been ignited.

“Ha!” This was the first time she had shouted out, and the speed of her thrust also increased. The spear penetrated the shoulder before Yuan Yi twisted and tore off the entire arm. As the right arm landed on the ground, Yuan Yi pierced the left shoulder, and the left arm was removed as well.

The Beast Horn Spear pierced the zombie again and again, leaving multiple holes. The bloodlust in Yuan Yi was also getting stronger, and from time to time, phrases like ‘Fuck you’ and ‘Die bitch’ could be heard. Now she wasn’t a weak lamb anymore, instead, she had turned into some hooligan sister on the streets?

Seeing the zombie being torn apart by Yuan Yi, Zhang Xiao Qiang felt his skin crawl. He did not know if forcing Yuan Yi like this was right or not.

Zhang Xiao Qiang did not feel excitement or fear towards the zombies. There was only purely a survival instinct. Other than the D2, he had not felt a sense of achievement from killing them, and he did not particularly feel like it was a fun thing to do.

Yang Ke’er had a naive game-like attitude towards the zombies. To her, they were like whack-a-moles to be smashed. She didn’t have to think, and just had to smash. She would enjoy it temporarily, then forget about it the moment she turned around.

Yuan Yi was different. She was purely enjoying, yes enjoying the pleasure of slaughtering. To her, the zombies were no longer the stuff of nightmares. Instead, they had become toys for her to play with. Seeing them fall one after another, their flesh and bones being separated, she felt the excitement. Her body was trembling, only this time, it wasn’t from fear but from the adrenaline and joy. She felt a sense of satisfaction from destroying them and wished there would be no end to them so she could slaughter to her heart’s content.

Zhang Xiao Qiang realized he could not see through Yuan Yi. There was a deep set pride in her bones, yet her servitude was even more praiseworthy than Su Qian. She was obviously weak, yet her bloodlust was so much stronger after she got over her fear?

The zombie that had irked Yuan Yi off could not withstand the torture, and its body began to fall apart. It slumped to the ground, while Yuan Yi licked her lips again, assessing the remaining zombies as though selecting a prize. She was considering her next target!

“Quickly. Stop wasting time.” Zhang Xiao Qiang’s warning sounded out, and Yuan Yi dared not delay anymore. She began to thrust out more efficiently, and her aim was getting accurate. Each strike would pierce the zombies through the eyes, and the zombies would slump back like robots that ran out of juice.

Yang Ke’er stood one side in boredom. Such a killing method was like art ‘n’ craft in kindergarten. There was no excitement. She liked to wave her bat around, swatting the smelly freaks around like flies.

Su Qian was watching all these with a pale expression. She couldn’t understand, Yuan Yi was more cowardly than her. She had always been at a loss when facing zombies, yet she was now so adept at killing the zombies. How did she suddenly become so good? It was like watching a god of war, furthermore, Yuan Yi seemed to be enjoying herself. Her past cowardly self had disappeared, and she had left Su Qian in the dust.

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