I am the Queen

Chapter 183 - 9 & Side Story 5

Chapter 9

Another sigh escaped from Eric\'s lips. The final exam just finished, and he could only hope that Evangeline passed. Since yesterday, this was eating him, and he couldn\'t sleep until the results were out next week.

He peeked at Evangeline at the corner. The woman was so relaxed, eating yogurt and playing with her phone as the stylist prep her for the shoot while he was the one stressing out for her exam results.

Eric sighed again.

It was a weekend, and they had work to do. Honestly, he didn\'t expect that a leading bed company would make Evangeline as their face with their new manufactured bed.

Eric\'s eyes roamed around. For some reason, he had a bad feeling about it. Some staff were gossiping and laughing while eyeing Evangeline, while some refused to meet his eyes and pretended to gawked at the ceiling.

But he was just an assistant. It was the higher-ups who get to decide. And he was confident that nothing would go wrong since a contract protected them.

And it was not like the job was hard. Evangeline would just smile, say some lines, and pretend to sleep on the bed. Even with her level, she could do it. Besides, it\'s actually good for her to experience work once in a while.

"Eric, how do I look?" Evangeline said, glee in her voice as she twirled in front of Eric.

A smile kicked up on Eric\'s face. "You look good as always." She was wearing a plain white nightgown, and the design wasn\'t too revealing nor thin. He made sure of that in the contract. He read it carefully word per word since he was also Evangeline\'s manager, in a sense.

"That\'s what you always say." Evangeline pouted.

Eric chuckled and pinched her cheek. "But you really are beautiful no matter what you wear." He then leaned in her ear, "but you look breathtaking when you\'re naked."

Evangeline\'s head heated. It took everything to keep a smile off her face. "Let\'s continue this later when we get home."

Eric nodded. "Mm . . . Good luck. I\'ll be behind the camera."

Evangeline beamed and went onto the stage while Eric went with to the crew, ignoring the weird glances his way. It was no secret that they were going out, so they were not hiding it in public.

"Alright, places everyone!" the director shouted.

Eric readied his phone and pressed the recording when Evangeline entered the stage. This was becoming a hobby of his lately, being a photographer for Evangeline. He wanted to watch her over and over again. Was he becoming obsessed?

When Evangeline entered, all eyes were on her, and the usually quietly shoot turned somewhat noisy. Judging whispers swirled, and Eric knew what was wrong. Evangeline couldn\'t act!

Her expression was sarcastic and haughty and nothing else.

Eric\'s shot an eye at the director. At this moment, he expected a \'cut\' right about now. But for some reason, the camera still rolled, and he had a bad feeling.

But before he voiced his concerns, a loud splash stunned him in place.

Evangeline was just walking around the bed, saying her lines, when she sat on the mattress and flipped over. The bed that was supposed to be full of cotton was full of water, and she fell straight into it.

"Eve!" Eric hurried to her side while the room boomed in laughter.

Eric pulled Evangeline out of the water and covered her with a towel since her nightgown clung so tight on her skin.

"Eve, are you okay?" Eric asked, shocked that she was coughing and water ran out from her nose as her face was flushed.

He rubbed her back and wiped her face. When he made sure that he was okay, his eyes shifted to the laughing men and women on the set. It didn\'t take a genius to know that it was planned.

His eyes focused on the director. Eric suddenly found his mustache annoying and the grin on his face despicable.

He was about to demand some answers, or there was hell to pay when he felt his shirt being tugged. His gaze went on Evangeline\'s face. Her face flushed with an innocent look that even the hardest of hearts would melt.

"Eric, Eric," she whispered, "was that part of the script?"

". . ."

Eric\'s mind went blank, and when he opened his eyes, he was punching the daylights out from the director\'s face. He didn\'t regret it, though. There was so much he could tolerate, but bullying Evangeline wasn\'t one of them. There was a limit to his tolerance.

Not minding the stunned audience, Eric grabbed the camera and snatched the film out.

"This collaboration is over," he said and grabbed Evangeline out of the set.

"So it wasn\'t part of the script?" Evangeline murmured as they hurried out of the building and into the parking lot.

Of course, she didn\'t know. Eric was the one who read the script while telling her what to do and say.

Eric briefly glanced at Evangeline. She was wiping a towel on her hair with one hand while her other held his in a tight grip. His steps then turned slow for her to take her time. It was a miracle that she was not fuming mad.

Eventually, they got in the car, and the driver drove them to their home. Along the way, it was silent inside the car.

Now that Eric calmed down, he was starting to regret what he did. Not that part where he punched that annoying mustached off the director\'s face but the part that Evangeline saw something he didn\'t want her to see.

"I\'m sorry," he said after another minute of silence.

"For what?" Evangeline asked, face innocent as her voice.

Eric\'s shifted his gaze outside the car\'s window, hand against his chin. "You saw something . . . unsightly."

". . ."

Evangeline chuckled and leaned against Eric\'s shoulder. "I don\'t mind."

Eric looked at her. "Aren\'t you mad?"

"Of course I\'m mad. But after seeing you so angry because of me . . . strangely . . . I felt happy." A gentle smile blossomed on her face. Then it turned menacing. "Though I\'m still angry at what happened, and I\'ll be damned if I don\'t get my revenge. That bed company will pay."

"I don\'t think it was the bed\'s company\'s fault. They wouldn\'t dare, knowing that a contract protects you. It\'s our company. The crew and the director are all from Sparkle entertainment."

"Oh," Evangeline frowned. "Then I will speak to the president right away to fire those bastards."

A smile graced Eric\'s lips as he embraced her closer to him. "Don\'t bother. Those guys had the guts to do it because someone from the higher-ups had their backs. Must be one of the shareholders."

"Hmp! I don\'t care. I\'ll buy Sparkle entertainment if I have to."

Eric\'s smile fell right off his face. That would be a problem. "Don\'t worry about it. I\'ll take care of it."

Evangeline pushed herself away from Eric and looked him in the eyes. "What are you going to do? It\'s much easier if I just buy the company. Actually, why haven\'t I thought of it before?"

This is turning bad, Eric thought. "Buying a gigantic company like Sparkle is impossible, Eve. The only way is if the shareholders of Sparkle are willing to sell you the company, which I doubt."

Evangeline puffed her cheeks, and Eric wanted nothing but to pinched her soft skin.

"Then I\'ll just buy the shares then."

"It will take years and tremendous amount of resources." And before Evangeline could counter what he had to say, Eric pressed a finger on her lips.

"There is a more efficient and fast way. I recorded everything, and all I have to do is send it to the management, and those guys are going to be fired."

"But the one backing them would get away."

"Its fine. With this incident, they wouldn\'t dare to do something again. And besides, the CEO of Sparkle entertainment is strict about these things."

Evangeline was still skeptical. But seeing Eric, who was so eager to do something for her, she didn\'t want to deny it to him. Maybe it was better if she let him take care of it.



Side Story 5: Summer Blues

In the dead of the night, Evangeline woke up feeling the summer heat. The aircon in Eric\'s room couldn\'t withstand the heat of the summer. Even she was wearing flimsy lingerie, the heat was still intense. Maybe it was time to buy a split type two horsepower.

She was half asleep, but her eyes flung wide open when her hand couldn\'t feel Eric beside her. She sat up and turned to Eric, who was at the edge of the bed, back facing her.

Evangeline couldn\'t believe what she saw and shook Eric\'s shoulder.

"Eric. Eric."

"Y-yeah?" Eric groaned and faced Evangeline though his eyes were closed.

"Why aren\'t you cuddling me?"

". . . Huh?" Eric rubbed his eyes and stared at her. Even in the dark, he felt her animosity.

"Why aren\'t you cuddling me?" she repeated.

Eric was at a loss and replied, "it\'s hot."

Eric knew it was not the correct answer when a chill stabbed his spine.

"I\'ve been noticing this lately," Evangeline started, "these past few days, you are cuddling me less and less."

"Uhm . . ." Eric\'s brain did a mad scramble of thinking. He couldn\'t possibly say that he was used to living alone and gotten used not to hug anything when he was asleep. And the weather wasn\'t exactly ideal for cuddling.

"Just as I thought, you don\'t love me anymore," Evangeline said when Eric didn\'t reply.

This prompt Eric to sat on the bed and comforted her. "What? Of course I love you."

"Then why are you less affectionate with me? Is there someone else? Tell me. Where\'s your phone."

"Eve. Eve." Eric tried to calm her while she wrestled for his phone. He cupped her face and looked her in the eyes. "There\'s no one else. Only you. Okay?"

"Then why aren\'t you cuddling me?"

"I\'ll cuddle you. I\'ll cuddle you right now."

Eric lightly pushed Evangeline to bed as his hands wrapped her waist.

"Your legs too."

". . ." Eric\'s lips pressed tight, but he did what she asked anyway.

"Mmm . . . you should cuddle me every night, K? I need to feel that you love me."

Eric didn\'t know if Evangeline was sleep talking or she was still dreaming. Because in reality, there was no way she would say those words.

Eric\'s nose flared. Evangeline smelled so nice, and her skin was so soft. His hold on her tightened. This was another reason why he avoided cuddling her. He couldn\'t sleep! The only thought in his mind was to make love to her!

Eric released a silent sigh.

It\'s really hot.



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* Generation of Heroes

Genre: Action, Adventure, Epic Fantasy, Romance, War and Military, Friendship and Betrayal, Multiple Leads, Game Elements, RPG Elements

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