Phoenix Phire

Chapter 575 - Frozen Eidengal

The gate that Inferno had worked so hard to unlock several months early no longer existed. A thick sheet of ice covered the gate and the walls it attached to. Pon and Nix had to tunnel under several meters of snow even to find it.

"What do you think?" Pon leaned against the iced-over gate. The entire city had turned into a giant block of ice. The cold radiating from Eidengal would have been problematic for anyone not versed in fire.

"Before we went to the Bone Fortress, Gideon witnessed Khione mentioning Eidengal."

Pon frowned at the mention of the Ice Goddess. "Did they know we were coming?" The old man held up one of the spear-like objects they pulled out of Nix\'s Shadow Raven. It was approximately two meters long and as thick as a man\'s wrist. Both ends were tapered to a sharp point. "Taking us out from that kind of range is impressive as hell. Think about it; the wind, visibility, and the speed we were moving."

Nix considered what they knew. "The snow in Eidengal was much worse than anywhere else in Everspire. Alpha team was taken out of the air in a manner that could only be called quick and efficient. With our victory in the Bone Fortress, Eidengal should be filled with powerful allies."

"Hey, Nix... You know what this thing looks like?" Pon handed Nix the spear. "Me and my Gramps had to pull something like that out of my dog\'s gums once. It looks like a quill. You know, from a porcupine."

Nix turned it over in his hands. "Don\'t those have barbed ends?"

Pon nodded. "I\'m not saying it matches exactly, quills are softer, and you have to cut off the tip before pulling them out. When you do that, the barbed end retracts."

"Pon... You\'re a fucking genius." Nix motioned for him to follow and started trotting down the tunnel they burned through the snow.

Pon\'s old face creased into a grin. "About fucking time someone notices! Where are we going?" The fire mage scrambled to keep up with Nix, who had decided that the easiest way to travel through the deep snow was underneath it.

Nix used his aura to melt through the snow as he headed due west toward the ocean. "Let me know as soon as our hud is usable."

They ran for nearly five minutes before all communications were restored; Nix wasted no time in opening up a Breach to the Gemini Temple.

"Pon!" Semmi\'s voice called out to the old mage as soon as they appeared on the platform.

/Inferno: Nix: You around Ronnie?

/Inferno: Ronnie: Sure. What do you need?

/Inferno: Nix: Library access.

/Inferno: Ronnie: Give me two minutes, and then you can port here from the Gemini platform.

/Inferno: Nix: Thanks. Can you meet us there, Tai?

/Inferno: Tai\'Qui: Of course.

"How the fuck did you survive?" Wind was mildly irritated that Pon had managed to survive, but he expected that sort of thing from Nix.

Pon\'s face looked like it might split open. "I relied on experience and my heightened reflexes. Right, Nix?"

Nix gave him a deadpan look. "That\'s right. Why didn\'t you three return?"

Jun Li brought up her hud and displayed her status. "Some sort of death penalty. We cannot engage in combat for two hours."

"That\'s a new one. Come on, let\'s head to the library." Nix stepped onto the Gemini platform and a moment later arrived in the Greater Library of Haven. The click of Ronnie\'s heels made the entire group turn.

[Whisper: Wind to Nix] One of your better ideas.

[Whisper: Pon to Nix] I\'m guessing you had a crush on a librarian growing up?

Nix ignored the chatter and waved at Ronnie. He had made the sexy librarian outfit for her months ago. Hip hugging black skirt with a slit up one side, and a buttoned-up white sleeveless shirt. It was Dalton who made the heels. When the dark archer wore her hair up, she was a schoolboy\'s wet dream. "I just need a table; for now, once I figure out what we are dealing with, we can research it."

Ronnie favored him with a sexy smile. "Walk this way."

Nix grinned when Ronnie purposefully swung her hips as she headed toward a round table in the corner. "Pretty sure I can\'t walk that way."

Pon chortled loudly but covered it up when Semmi glanced at him.

A breach opened over the platform, and two people stepped out; both Tai and Deidra had arrived. Nix was just placing the projectile onto the table.

Semmi whistled. "Is this what killed us?"

Pon nodded. "Hey, where\'s your gear, by the way?"

Wind scowled at the question. "Still on our bodies, we were forced to recover here, and we arrived with only underwear."

Jun Li blushed slightly. "Elune scrounged up some clothes to wear."

Semmi squeezed the old man\'s hand. "All my stuff, Pon! You\'re going to get it back for me, right?"

[Whisper: Nix to Pon] Hey fucknut! This is where you say yes!

Pon nodded slowly. "Don\'t worry, Sem. I\'ll get it back.

Deidra picked up the projectile, running her fingers down the length. "It contains the ice element; its hardness is similar to steel."

Tai nodded in agreement. "I\'ve never seen anything like it. These were used as ranged weapons?"

Nix nodded and opened up his Necro Crafting interface.

[Bone Manipulation]

1) Identify

2) Living Project

3) Non-Living Project

4) Salvage

[Scan the immediate area for unidentified bones?]


Process Complete. Bone Manipulation 30/500.

One unidentified bone found [Bone Quill].

Nix nodded to himself. "Identify."

Process Complete. Bone Manipulation 31/500.

[Bone Quill]

Arcturis\'Fraiza: A Primal beast of Winter. Also known as the Arctic leech.

"An Arctic leech?" Deidra picked up the quill again. "This came from an Arctic leech?"

Nix nodded. "I think so. Can I get some help here, Ronnie?"

Ronnie sat in the chair next to Nix and scooted it closer. "Let\'s see... We\'ll start with primal beasts, winter, and leech. That should give us enough cross-references."

[One Match found: Arcturis\'Fraiza]

Ronnie winked at Nix. "Display match."


Also referred to as the Arctic Leech or AF. The AF is an immortal hybrid; although it possesses a flesh and blood body, it uses long tentacles that pull nutrients from the soil. Little is known as to whether or not they have are sentient, but they can create massive local storms using the ice element. Their outer layer is lined with quills that seek targets based on their heat signatures. The AF never stops growing; if the tentacles are left in place, the AF will eventually overrun the entire area.

[Additional Comments] The AF\'s body is nearly indestructible; however, the tentacles are vulnerable to several types of damage.

Pon stared at the picture for a moment. "It looks like a big blob of ice."

Nix nodded in agreement. "It\'s covering all of Eidengal."

Semmi shook her head. "There\'s no way, Nix. In order to get that big, it would have to been feeding for years."

"Not really." Deidra\'s cold voice held the slightest tinge of curiosity. "That could have been feeding near Khione\'s stronghold this entire time. If it\'s one of her creatures, she could easily breach it into Eidengal."

Semmi glanced up at Nix to see if he was buying it. "Does that mean all of Eidengal is dead?"

Nix brought up an old map of Eidengal. "If it were big enough to latch on from the walls, anything under it would have been flash frozen."

Pon\'s old face scowled and pointed to the front gate. "We were here; the cold would have frozen anyone who wasn\'t fire-based."

"Or immune to the ice element," Nix added.

Pon moved to the other side of the table and brought the AF\'s picture back up. "How far would the local effect of its weather abilities reach?"

Semmi brought up the map and pointed to the area that they\'d breached into. "We have to assume it can affect most of the Great Desert."

Jun Li swore under her breath. "You\'ll have to replace me, Wind and Semmi with fire users."

Nix leaned back in his chair. "The three of you can go in with my Ashobel puppets. They are made for this sort of climate, and they have Ice immunity."

Wind clapped his hands together. "Nix! You\'re the man."

"I know." Nix checked Del\'s guild status and noticed that she had returned from Oasis.

/Inferno: Nix: Want to come on a special Mission, Del?

/Inferno: Del: Sure.

/Inferno: Nix: Meet back at the Turtle House.

Deidra pulled a seat from the nearby table and sat on the other side of Nix. "I\'ve meant to ask you about that Artic Stalker; you put a dragon bloodline in it?"

"I used dragon scale as an enhancement." Nix did a quick search for any other information on the massive creature but didn\'t find anything. "Let\'s meet up at the Turtle House."

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