Re: Life - Business & Technology

Chapter 154 Wagner Group

Later that Sunday evening, a group of young Future Tech executives and their friends gathered at the Dalton Manor for dinner.

A large projector in the living room was playing the Infinity Channel livestream countdown event for the Everlife Expansion featuring pre-recorded and behind-the-scenes interviews with prominent Future Studios personalities like Kyle, John Carmack, and Brendan Greene (Playerunknown).

The event also featured a few segments on recently successful Everlife streamers like Wonder Alice and Sodapoppin, aside from the expansion\'s main cast members, including Idris Elba, Brad Pitt, and Emma Stone.

Hailee was entertained by her friend\'s Twitch interview and said, "It looks like your stream is more popular than ever, sis! Keep it up!"

The other guests, like Princess Olympia and the Jenner sisters, nodded in agreement after observing and consuming the rapidly growing new wave of online entertainment pioneered by Future Tech.

Future Tech provided its loyal player base with free new in-game items by simply watching the countdown event through their NetServ accounts, which many appreciated.

Unlike many of its video game studio competitors, Future Tech didn\'t rely on microtransactions sales for profits and instead sold subscriptions for bundled services.

Artists and developers at Future Studios dedicated their time and expertise to refining and improving products without worrying too much about profit margins.

It was a completely different monetization structure, more akin to utility providers, yet the subscription model had served Future Tech well since the corporation\'s inception.

While his friends enjoyed each other\'s company at the Dalton Manor, Vince was on the way back home after a long day of security assessment meetings and expressing his goodwill towards Jack Ma and the Alibaba executives by giving tours of the Tech Campus and sharing his view of the current political and financial climate.

Jack was enamored with the Hive Mind manufacturing system after walking around the AV and vehicle factory for a few minutes with Christian Von Koenigsegg.

The Alibaba CEO curiously asked, "Our nation prides itself on manufacturing a wide range of valuable products in cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou, but none of their factories could compare to the Tech Campus. It feels like each AI drone is working in complete harmony with the employees."

The Swedish engine designer honestly replied, "I owe much of my recent success to Future Tech\'s AI manufacturing suite, but Vince always reminded the executives about the importance of adequately trained staff because of its limitations."

Jack nodded in agreement and said, "Very true. Economists and other civilians have voiced their concerns over people losing jobs due to automation, but there will always be roles that cannot be filled by drones."

Consider massive service-oriented companies such as Mcdonald\'s. The global fast-food chain had developed robust logistics and automation systems in 2021, yet it still employed more than 200,000 people worldwide.

Jack Ma appreciated how Future Tech treated its workforce with care and consideration in this ever-changing labor landscape.

The Chinese executives learned enough about the tech giant after spending the Sunday in Austin and were prepared to convey Vince\'s message to their president.

The young CEO was gracious enough to offer a corporate 787 jet to his eastern business partners for their travel back to mainland China the following day.


Loud electronic music echoed throughout a popular underground nightclub in Moscow. The venue was completely dark, but the various changing lights that accompanied the beat showed the many people enjoying their Sunday night out.

A VIP section surrounded by bulletproof glass overlooking the main stage and dance hall served a pair of beautiful Russian women and the establishment\'s owner, Kadrovik Nikonov.

The nightclub was one of his legitimate businesses in the motherland that he used primarily for pleasure, extra profits, and a convenient vehicle for laundering dirty money.

Kadrovik enjoyed Diva Premium Vodka while the two women entertained the powerful man as they cuddled on the large sofa.

The heavily armored entrance door opened before one of his bodyguards entered the VIP section and whispered into Kadrovik\'s ear.

A serious expression surfaced on the industrial magnate\'s face as he dismissed the two young ladies and cleared the area for the appearance of an important friend.

A few minutes later, several Federal Security Service agents discreetly arrived while escorting the most powerful man in the Eastern Hemisphere, President Vladimir Putin.

Kadrovik stood up to welcome his old acquaintance with a firm handshake before offering Putin a seat and drinks.

The President sat across from his political ally and calmly inquired, "How\'s our business going with the Syrian and Iraqi insurgents?"

Kadrovik downed his glass of vodka before replying, "Quite well, Vladimir. My staff has already prepared the necessary logistics plans to transport the weapons from the North Caucasus Military District and use the Bratva\'s smuggling routes. I\'ve already deposited the cash downpayment into your Cayman Islands bank account."

The Russians routinely sold weapons to criminal organizations like the Bratva on the black market as a way to clear inventory for newer equipment and for Putin to control his officers that engaged in corrupt and illegal activities.

The President smiled and happily said, "You\'ve always been my most reliable arms dealer, Kadrovik. Unfortunately, the other generals and colonels either take too much of a cut or don\'t sell my equipment at reasonable prices."

Kadrovik nodded and replied, "We\'ve known each other for years since our time at the KGB. Mutual respect is of utmost importance for a partnership like ours."

It wasn\'t pure luck why Kadrovik Nikonov became an inner member of Anarchy, considering his family\'s social standing, wealth, and relationship with the top dog of Russia.

Vladimir Putin laughed before saying, "Those were the days. I still remember our mission in Kabul, performing espionage and sabotage to clear the way for the armored infantry division. The Afghans didn\'t know what was happening until the invasion succeeded."

The pair shared a chuckle until Kadrovik said, "The propaganda initiative in collaboration between my organization and your psychological warfare division (PsyOps) is also doing well. It\'s a global initiative, but we\'re focusing on the United States and Ukraine as you requested."

Vladimir clasped his hand and smiled like a true villain before saying, "The annexation of Ukraine is vital to the Soviet Union\'s reunification. So what psyop strategy are your men focusing on?"

Kadrovik honestly replied, "Mostly low-hanging fruit like White Supremacy and Salafi jihadism. You\'d be surprised how effective and popular Neo-Nazism is in America."

Anarchy spent most of its troll propaganda resources on instigating acts of domestic terrorism through anonymous posts and forum conversations on unmoderated platforms like 4Chan and the Dark Net, away from the prying eyes of Future Tech.

Once his operatives find a vulnerable mark that succumbed to radicalism, it would be effortless to subtly accommodate them with explosives training and methods to procure weapons for terrorist attacks like school shootings.

Vladimir would have also liked to target China and sow discontent within their growingly powerful neighbor, but their government-controlled internet effectively protected it.

There are definitely downsides to utilizing a segregated and heavily-scrutinized network infrastructure, such as privacy and freedom of speech. Still, they come with a few upsides, like reducing the risk of violent social movements through active policing.

The United States has repeatedly failed to counteract domestic terrorism for years due to ignorance regarding online radicalism, deciding to spend resources on practically useless programs like gun law reforms instead of tackling the issue directly.

Putin was content with Kadrovik\'s update and moved on to the primary reason he discreetly visited the popular Moscow nightclub.

The President asked, "You\'re familiar with Yevgeny Prigozhin and Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Utkin, right?"

Kadrovik dutifully answered, "Of course, they\'re the commanders of Wagner Group, the Kremlin\'s paramilitary force. I\'ve heard rumors about its recent troop and equipment expansions."

Putin vacated the couch while holding his glass of Vodka, walked towards the bulletproof glass, and watched the young people enjoying their night out before explaining, "You\'re correct. The Wagner Group began with 5,000 soldiers with mid-tier training and equipment to serve as expendable assets for Russia\'s interests abroad. However, observing the effectiveness of Future Security changed my mind. Therefore, I\'m here to appoint you as the logistics commander of Wagner Group and Nikonov Industries as its primary supplier. In addition, I\'ve ordered Utkin to absorb Army soldiers recently categorized as "Killed in Action" to bolster his forces to at least 25,000 men."

It was a fantastic opportunity for Kadrovik to further consolidate his influence in Russia while serving Anarchy\'s ultimate goal of preventing a new world order, the opposite of chaos.

He naturally accepted the appointment before Putin explained, "Prioritize equipment orders like combat AVs and ammunition from Wagner Group and prepare for a covert operation in Crimea and East Ukraine."

In Vince\'s previous life, Putin only targeted and annexed Crimea as it was strategically viable for the Russians. Still, with new technology like AVs, Putin\'s forces would experience an easier time dealing with urban defenses within large cities.

As Russia\'s technological capabilities grew, so did Vladimir Putin\'s ambition of quickly retaking the bread basket of Europe.

Stats last time checked:

Future Tech current valuation - $300 billion

15 million BTC (currently trades at $25,000)

$10 Billion cash in Future Tech

105,000+ employees (FT Broadcasting, FT Softworks, FT AI, Future Studios, Future Records, FT Manufacturing, FT Micro Devices, BitCash, FT VR, FT F1, FT Investments, Future Arms, Future Med, Future Tech Robotics, Future Education, Epic Games, 60% of SpaceX, 10% of Tesla, 10% of Koenigsegg)

20,000+ operators under Future Security

Personal Vehicles: Klassen Phantom, Agera R, Agera SFV, Boeing Luxury 787 Dreamliner, The Longhorn, Flyga

Collaborators (Epic, Koenegisegg, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyundai C&E, Disney, Lockheed Martin, Alibaba)

Numerous subsidiaries under Future Tech Holdings (i.e., Instagram, Twitch, Big Hit Entertainment)


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