Overlord (WN)

Chapter Volume 2 5


Triumphant Return Part 5

Translator: Frostfire10

"Welcome back, Ainz-sama."

"Welcome back."

Right after Sebas, there was a choir of greetings that welcomed Ainz.

Looking towards the voices, Ainz saw the various Floor Guardians and the maids, and in a way, it was a collection of the Nazarick allstars.

Ainz cooly raise his hand and responded.

"Apologies for making you wait so long. Originally, I suppose to have the opportunity to return at any time, but due to various reasons, I was unable to do so. I also want to apologise for calling you up at such an important time, Demiurge."

"No such thing, Ainz-sama. Firstly, please rest your tired body in your room."

"….I am unable to do so." Ainz shook his head. "After this, I have to attend a parade to celebrate our victory. I have to leave immediately."

"….I shall immediately prepare suitable ceremonial troops that can show off Nazarick\'s military prowess."

"Then please grant me that role."

Cocytus was the one who spoke. Smashing his fist against his breast, he immediately took a knee and bowed.

"Please, grant me this role, please."

"Hey, that\'s not fair! Me too!"

Aura jumped up, and then kneeled next to Cocytus.

"If we want to project a powerful image, I believe my subordinates are good!"

"That is not so. I believe that we should bring out ones as beautiful as my subordinates."

Showing off her mocking smile at Aura, Shalltear kneeled as well.

"Haa. That\'s ridiculous. It would be bad if they rot in the sun."

"….I believe that they are far more suitable than dogs."



Smashing their foreheads against each other, Shalltear and Aura glared daggers at each other. Cocytus would normally stop them at this point, however, he chose to ignore them on this occasion and continued to market himself.

"Leave it to me. There is no greater happiness than being able to show off even a small glimmer of Ainz-sama\'s greatness."

"That\'s not fair!"

"Then I as well!"

Cocytus, Aura and Shalltear\'s squabble began to rise in intensity. The Guardians would be willing to throw away their lives for Nazarick, and Ainz. Despite them all being colleagues that served the same master, at this moment, they saw each other as enemies and glared furiously at each other.

It could not be helped in this case.

Victory parades had the element of showcasing one\'s power. Basically going together with Ainz as his retainers meant that they were showing off the power of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and the power of Ainz.

And therefore, this was not a job that could be given to just about anyone.

While they acknowledged each other\'s loyalty, they each believed that they were the most loyal. And thus this argument.

Just as it felt like the three of them were about to resort to violence to solve this issue, Demiurge softly, just barely audibly, coughed.

"….I believe it should be someone who would not disappoint Ainz-sama though?"

Looking around in a panic, Cocytus, Aura and Shalltear saw the stoic and expressionless figure of Ainz standing nearby. Of course, Ainz was a skeleton and so he could not really change his expression.

[Our apologies.]

Their apologetic voices harmonied as they bowed in unison.

"….No, I am not angry. I was happy to see each of you express your loyalty. However, Jircniv specified that he would not like us to show off too much. I am considering not bringing anyone. Well, it might be fine to have the Death Knights attend."

"I, is that so? How unfortunate."



"Then may we please ask why you have returned?"

"That\'s it, Sebas. I was thinking of having you select suitable clothes for the parade for me. And an open-top carriage. I shall borrow one of Jircniv\'s subordinates to drive it."

"I see. Understood."

Sebas thinly laughed.

Seeing it, Ainz, for some reason, felt strangely uncomfortable.

"Please leave it to me, Ainz-sama. I shall choose clothes that will make all that lay eyes upon you want to worship you."

"….You do not have to go that far…."

"No, I believe that this is very important. I have to make sure that even the lowest of the low are able to understand Ainz-sama\'s greatness."

"….Even Demiurge."

"Indeed. It is pitiful that they can only understand Ainz-sama\'s greatness through his clothes."

"So even Aura can say some intelligent things sometimes. In the first place, those lowly beings not from Nazarick cannot even begin to fathom Ainz-sama\'s greatness."

"….I will not call them lowly beings, but they are indeed pitiful."

Not only the Guardians, but the maids also raised cries of agreement. Stranded amongst them, Ainz felt alone. And thus, he just mumbled his words.

"….Sebas…. I…. Do not like extravagant clothes."

"I will definitely not choose any tacky clothes. They will definitely suit Ainz-sama."

Sebas\' words were imbued with a strange pressure, causing Ainz to offer no resistance.

"Firstly, prepare Ainz-sama\'s flag. And the mantles of the Death Knights are too shabby. Change them immediately."

"Understood. Mobilise all of the maids to quickly change the mantles."

Representing the maids, Yuri nodded at Demiurge\'s instructions.

"Then use the undead to clean the armour of the Death Knights."

"Allow me to prepare the flag and weapons the Death Knights will use. That flamberge is not elegant enough to be used for ceremonies."

As Shalltear and Cocytus spoke out their roles, the remaining Aura looked around, and with sparkling eyes, she asked.

"Then, what can I do! To make AInz-sama\'s greatness even greater!"

"….There\'s nothing left?"


"Now, Ainz-sama. As we do not have plenty of time, please into the dressing room."

"A, ah. Ahh, you guys, do not make it too gaudy."

"Of course, Ainz-sama."

Excluding Aura, the Guardians lowered their heads, but this scene did not still the unrest he felt in his heart.


As Ainz and Fluder left, Jircniv sent a cold gaze at the still kneeling Ray. He opened his mouth to speak, but the words themselves were devoid of any emotion.

"Ray. I see that you have been working hard as Ainz\'s guards. You have worked hard."

"No, your Majesty. This amount of work for the safety of the most important person in the Empire, Archduke Gown, is nothing."

"I see…."

Jircniv\'s cold gaze dropped another few degrees, but Ray simply smiled in response.

"However…. I think that you have worked a bit too hard. Isn\'t it better to take a break?"

"Thank you your Majesty. But please leave the Archduke\'s security to me."

"Ray!" Jircniv\'s face clouded in rage. "You, who gave you permission to do so! If you gave it to yourself I will have your head."

The Four Knights behind Jircniv all took a step forward. From this overwhelming pressure, Ray felt a drop of cold sweat drip down his face. However, Ray kept the smile on his face and his tone and expression remained calm.

"Your Majesty. After this is the Archduke\'s parade. I believe it will be best to avoid bloodshed."

"….You can really talk, you traitor."

"Your Majesty. I believe traitor is a bit too harsh of a word."

"Hou. Then please give me a reason for your actions, ray. The reason for waving your tail for Ainz instead of me."

"It is simple, your Majesty. I love the Empire the most."

Jircniv gestured with his chin to tell him to continue.

"Yes, your Majesty. The Archduke commands absolute power. However, there will be idiots who do not believe in him or fools who will try to use him to gain power. If the Archduke uses his power for them, it will be detrimental to the Empire."

"And so you will remove these enemies, and make sure that Ainz\'s power does not fall on the Empire?"

"Yes, your Majesty. That is the case."

"However, it does not have to be you."

"Maybe. However, your Majesty. The other generals view the Archduke as dangerous. If not me, there is a chance that they will upset the Archduke."


"And for someone of the Archduke\'s authority, should anyone not of a general rank guard him, they might think it is fine to look down on him somewhat?"

"I see…. You can really talk…. I understand what you want to say. However—"

Ray activated his trump card.

"—And your Majesty. I have the Archduke\'s permission."

Jircniv made a sour face, and his mouth turned into a fine line. After a few seconds, he let out a large sigh.

"General Ray. I understand your thoughts. I shall leave Ainz\'s security to you. Select several knights from the 8th Army to guard him as well. However, the most important thing is that you cannot only just guard him. You have to fulfill your other responsibilities. And for the details of which, I need to talk with you in private. Make time to meet me."

"Understood, your Majesty."

Ray lowered his face, and hidden the expression of joy that was forming on his face.

He could become the claws and talon of the gorgeous beast known as the Archduke. That time was coming. Just from that thought, his manhood was hardening.

Ray felt grateful for being born at this time, and being able to serve next to Ainz. And he mocked the man standing oh so grandly in front of him. Everything was as according to plan.

Of course, Jircniv too, was laughing in his heart as he read the inner thoughts of the man in front of him.

The boy ran.

The main street in the Imperial capital where he was headed was clogged with more people than usual.

The excitement from those gathered mixed together and formed an aura of warmth. They were all trying to catch a glimpse of the man who stood at the top of this country.

The boy slid past the mess of people as he moved forward.

While there were many people, it was not at the level where the boy\'s thin body could not slip through. Passing through the crowd, he made it to its edge. Of course, there were some shouts of frustration, but the boy paid them no need. He was too excited in getting the best spot.

At the front of the parted crowd.

If he looked next to him, he would see other boys who had managed to make it to the front. And there was also a young girl who just arrived, trying to catch a glimpse of the man who was about to arrive.

All of those present had excitement and expectation dancing in their eyes.

Their Emperor.

The boy only knew of him from the stories his parent told him, about how he made their lives easier. And of course, he was of a station that would never allow him to venture near him.

A person that could be called a divine being.

The boy looked at the gate with a gaze of admiration.

Time passed, and he had looked around several times.

The several lightly armoured soldiers paid close attention to make sure people did not jump out onto the road. Their cautious air was completely overpowered by a thicker one.

The excitement of a festival.

Within that heated excitement, time slowly passed.

The noise grew another level louder. Along with the feeling that something was about to occur. Acutely sensing it, the boy looked in a direction that many others were already facing. And what entered the boy\'s eyes was a group that was passing through the gate. The boy was not so foolish so as to not know who they were.

They were the Empire\'s knights— Well actually they were the Imperial Guard, but the boy did not know this.

It was the dream occupation of any boy his age, and he had often mimicked them with wooden swords with his friends. In the boy\'s view, their figures grew closer and closer.

Exuberant cries were raised.

They were congratulating the overwhelming victory the Empire won over the Kingdom.

Eyes filled with reverence and admiration, the boy silently stared at the knights carrying the Imperial flag who was passing by.

The armour covering their bodies was well polished and it reflected the sun\'s rays. And thus, they glimmered like gold. The hoofbeats of the horses marched in perfect time.

There were cries of celebration from most, and the young women were screaming in shrill voices.

The boy widened his eyes and burned their figures into his mind for even just a moment longer.

While dreaming in his mind that this would be his future.

Just how many knights were mobilised for this?

At a certain point, the boy sensed something strange. In fact, the others surrounding him also felt it. They all began looking around in confusion.

It was now silent.

The citizens closer to the gate were not shouting or screaming.

It was not that the parade was over. It was still continuing. However, despite this, they had fallen silent.

Why was this?

This was the question on everyone\'s mind, but it was soon solved.

One carriage fell into view of the boy and the rest of the crowd.

Why was it quiet?

The reason was that a certain being had stolen their souls.

All eyes fell on a carriage pulled by an eight-legged Slepnir.

There were two figures riding it.

The first man was a man dressed in gold. He wore a splendid breastplate, and on his face was a smile. His regal figure made him far more memorable than the knights in full armour.

The Emperor of the Baharuth Empire, Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix. The person responsible for expanding the Empire. With an air that would enrapture anyone who saw him, he commanded respect.

However, he was not the one everyone was focused on.

Normally, all eyes would fall on the Emperor. However, here, it was the opposite.

There was barely anyone looking at the Emperor.

They were looking next to him—

There was a man raising a single hand, either from lack of motivation or from embarrassment.

If the earlier knights were glittering in the sunlight, this being himself was shining like the sun itself.

Wearing a cap embroidered with countless gemstones, a plain silver mask hid his face. The white robe enveloping his body was covered in golden patterns. His white gloved hands grasped a staff with a giant diamond at the tip.

It was— A being of light.

If there were people of the modern age present, they might see such a figure as gaudy or cringy. However, all of those people who saw Ainz thought none of those things.

They were simply entranced by his power.

There was countless types of power.

Charm, authority, physical ability, and the wealth that Ainz was displaying—

Living creatures had the tendency to be attracted to power. Well, most creatures in this world had some level of this attraction, but it was particularly strong in weak creatures like humans.

The brittleness of their race— It would be most obvious if one compared them to dragons. They lived in a dangerous world filled with monsters that could kill them in an instant.

In such an environment, their desire and instinct to find a safe place to live was stimulated. And for the weak, the easiest thing to do was to hide in the shadow of the strong. And that was why they were attracted to power.

Of course, there were many whose instinct was weak. Citizens of countries like the Slane Theocracy who were firmly protected had little desire.

And there was an acceptable range. An overwhelming power would only become the target of fear. Similar to how Ainz was treated after he cast the Super Tier spell.

However, all those present had that desire in them forcefully awoken.

Who was that person in the carriage?

Is he a great noble from somewhere?

Countless questions appeared in their head, but they could not ever speak it out. That was how overwhelmed they were.

And there were figures walking behind the carriage. About 100 of them. They were warriors decked in armour of polished black steel. Their figures towered over humans, and their faces were hidden by the same silver masks. And even though their swords were kept inside immaculate sheathes, one could still feel the magic power emanating from within.

They felt power that was far beyond the knights from earlier— No, compared to these warriors, the knights were but dust.

And on the flag the frontmost warrior was holding was an emblem no one had ever seen.

Money and military.

After showing off two types of power, the parade continued on. Including the boy, everyone present had a strong impression burned into them.

When they finally passed, someone finally took a breath.

Until the carriage passed, everyone forgot to breath, as if looking straight at it was the only thing permitted.

The noise slowly came back, and various names began to pop up. They were talking about the mysterious figure riding the carriage.

The boy kept his ears open, and paid attention to those conversations. The parade with the knights was still ongoing, but most of his attention was already lost.

Amongst the countless number of names mentioned, one name was mentioned the most.

That day, the boy learnt of Archduke Ainz Ooal Gown, the newest great noble of the Empire.


The Triumphant Return arc is finished.

My schedule in April seems to be full, and so I hope to release the next chapter in May. The title will be [The Days]. I plan to make it about 100k characters long. As an interlude, I want to add in the lives of those in the Empire besides Ainz.

Something like this.

The mansion I was hired at is a terrifying place.

Solution "What is this amount of dust doing on this frame!"

Human Maid A "M, my apologies!"

Narberal "It seems that we cannot leave taking care of Ainz-sama to you!"

Human Maid A is bullied and forced to do demeaning work.※

However, in the days where Human Maid A wet her pillows with tears, her hard work gave her a heartfelt ally!

Neuronist "I can fiddle with you brain such that you do not feel pain."

Human Maid A "……..No way, oi."

Do your best, Human Maid A! Until you can help Ainz!

….Well it\'s not a lie so….

※Example 1: When she tried to leave the house, time-stopping magic activated, and furniture was brought in through the main gate, fully blocking it. As a result, she stubbed her pinky toe.

Example 2: When she went shopping, she was forced to ride on Aura\'s pet, chased out, and tasted the fear of riding a roller coaster without a safety harness.

Example 3: She tasted high-quality food from Nazarick that normal humans could never dream of tasting, and could never forget its taste.

(Next Chapter)

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