Chapter 89

In the living room at the Plum pavilion.

BaiYing’s eyes widened when he heard the story of Bao’er who was now kneeling in front of him, the young man glanced around him, several times gulping down his saliva, he seemed frightened.

Yan and Bi who asked the young man represented BaiYing.

“So, you mean, concubine Lui also asked you to buy it? Em, what about concubine Ye?” Yan asked.

Bao’er squeezed his sweaty hands.

“Em, Y-Your Majesty, concubine Ye, couple of times tried to stop me, but, according to Her Highness concubine Fu and concubine Lui, it was only used to add to the kite string that had been broken, it didn’t mean anything bad.”

“Do you know Concubine Fu’s original plan? and concubine Lui?” asked Bi.

For a moment, Bao’er was silent, he didn’t dare to answer, his body trembled, he could die silly if he said anything to concubine Hua, but now, he also could also die silly if he didn’t speak, what should he do?


“What are you waiting for, quick just answer it,” said Bi.

“I-I know, I know, because, when they ordered me to buy the strings, they spoke in front of the servant and asked servant to ask which one is the strongest among others, Please forgive me, Your Majesty, please don’t punish me, servant only did what I’ve been ordered, please forgive me, Your Majesty.” Bao’er immediately dropped his head on his knees in front of BaiYing.

BaiYing should have guessed who ordered Bao’er, but, the dream he had last night, said otherwise, what should he do?

Yan and Bi looked at each other, BaiYing’s face now looked very serious, until finally, Yan ordered the guards to take Bao’er away.

“Your Majesty what do you think?” asked Bi.

BaiYing bit his nails, thinking ’till his eyebrows rose sharply.

“Um, my dream last night, maybe part of my memory, but, from Bao’er’s words, tells that concubine Ye wasn’t involved at all, we, maybe need more evidence”

After the bodyguard took Bao’er out, in the room now only there was BaiYing and his two concubines.

“Your Majesty, do we need to sneak into concubine Ye’s room?” Yan said,

BaiYing turned his head with wide eyes.

“Sn-sneaking? Can we do that? If she finds out it will be a problem right?”

Bi pursed his lips, he was thinking.

“Em, I can ask my friend to look in the room, to look for evidence...” BaiYing touched Bi’s hand, stopping her speech.

“No sis, don’t involve others on this, fewer people know the better.”

BaiYing’s maids looked at each other, both nodded with slightly disappointed faces.

“Yes Your Highness”


In the afternoon, BaiYing’s schedule was indeed very busy, he fulfilled his promise to meet FuLan’s concubine at the Cold pavilion to bring a facial mask for her, at that time FuLan who was sitting on her chair could enjoy BaiYing’s cold aloe vera face mask especially made for her, really calming her face.

“This is so convenient, sis, you have to make it often, make a lot of it.”

BaiYing chuckled.

“Hehe, it has to be fresh, Sis, so I can’t make too much, but I’ll try to make it if I have time”

“Em did you enjoy your breakfast?” Bai Ying asked.

FuLan who was sitting closed her eyes while enjoying her face mask nodded.

“Umm, Not bad, this morning the waiter brought peanut fried chicken and lotus bone soup, the taste is so good, I haven’t eaten this much in a long time, if the conditions were different I might have become very fat”

FuLan opened her eyes, holding BaiYing’s hand.

“Em sister, If, has there been any progress regarding the main culprit? Have you asked Sis Fan’er and Mu’er? What did they say?”

BaiYing shook his head.

“Em sorry sis, I haven’t had time, Your Majesty thinks it’s better to look for evidence first rather than asking too many questions, it will be a waste of energy and time, and, um, Ying’er just has got my lost memory, I, will tell Your Majesty Crown Prince about this.”

In front of the gates of the Cold Pavilion, a group of Ye concubines and her two maids were seen approaching, she came to bring a basket of food for FuLan, the guards stopped them at the door.

“Sorry Your Majesty but apart from Concubine Hua no one else is allowed to come to visit, this is His Highness the Crown Prince’s order,” said the guard who stretched out his arms to restrain Mu’er from coming forward.

Concubine Ye frowned seeing from a distance where Concubine Hua was sitting in front of Concubine Fu enjoying her facial treatment.

“Um then, I’m also not allowed to join the facial treatment event?” Mu’er asked.

The gatekeeper lowered his head.

“Please forgive us Your Majesty, but no, this is the order of His Majesty the Crown Prince, please understand”

Finally concubine Ye and her two maids could only reach the front gate, for a moment Concubine Ye still glanced inside the villa building and slowly walked away with her servants.

A few steps away, Concubine Ye waved her hand at her maids, glancing at the basket at one of her maid’s hands.

“You two give this food to the guard, let him give it to Concubine Fu.”

The two maids nodded.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Concubine Ye watched her two maids walk away from her, so that when no one else was looking, she darted up the roof of the pavilion.


So light, her large and luxurious Concubine’s clothes waving as her body goes.

Inside the pavilion villa.

FuLan’s eyes went wide, after hearing BaiYing’s story just now.

“What do you mean sister? You say that Mu’er’s sister, is the one who patted your horse’s back until it ran in such a panic?”

Bai Ying nodded.

“Yes, sis, I remember very well what happened.”

That afternoon, Concubine Ye’s horse was right beside BaiYing’s, the two of them walking very leisurely enjoying the very fresh valley air, from a distance BaiYing could see two other concubines, Fan’er and Lan’er who was sitting resting avoiding the sun among the shady trees, BaiYing still had time to wave his hand.

“Sister Fan’er, Sis Lan’er”

He turned his head and did not find concubine Ye beside him, but right behind him, like slow motion, BaiYing still had time to see Concubine Ye’s hand which was raised quite high and threw it on Xiao’er’s butt, and in an instant, the horse groaned in pain and ran fast with BaiYing still on it.


BaiYing couldn’t control the horse that suddenly panicked, it was like screaming in pain until it ran uncontrollably, BaiYing didn’t even have time to think when the horse-headed towards the direction between two big trees and suddenly fell, very hard.


The horse fell with its legs caught and its body was thrown far behind it, BaiYing briefly floated in the air before he fell hard to the ground with his back head hitting the ground hard.


BaiYing’s still can see white clouds with a blue bright sky up there, right before finally everything went to dark.

FuLan clenched her fists.

“But Mu’er sister is so gentle, can she hit that hard and cause the horse to panic? It will hurt her hand because the horse skin is too thick.”

BaiYing pursed his lips, he also thought so, but he wouldn’t forget how hard Mu’er’s palm was hit so Xiao’er was startled and ran frantically, he could still remember clearly the sound of the blow, a sound that would be too hard to forget.


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